Christmas asks 🎄

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Hello everyone ya girl here and it's 14 days till Christmas so I'm doing a Christmas special asks like I promise although it's not too Christmasy but hey asks are ask so let's get to it.


These asks are from karmaisweird and her friends

*alex. has Gareth #had a# problem trusting Gene? Like he doesn't believe gene that loves you dearly*

Alex: well as a matter of fact, he does have a problem trusting gene, and he doesn't believe that me and gene love each other dearly.

Gareth: Alex are you talking about me?

Alex: As a mater of fact, yes I am.

Gareth: dang it.

*Gene. Why are you so cuuute*

Gene: #gene.exe stopped working over embarrassment overload*

Alex: yeah he does that sometimes.... but he'll get through.... I hope 😓

*Alex. Have you ever gave gene gifts?*

Alex: As a matter of fact I do. But only either on his birthday and Christmas... and our anniversary I remember how happy gene was when he got his gift.

*flash back on August the 30th*

Alex: "happy birthday gene." *gives gene a small box*

Gene: *opens the box to reveal a small pendant with the colour of his eyes* "I love it, thank you Alex."

*flash back ends*

Alex: he never took the pendant off

*Twinkle. Do you have a crush on someone?*
(Same question to ruby too)

Twinkle, whispering: as a mater of fact yes I do, my crush is ruby, she's sooooooo cool and I wish to join her adventures.

Ruby, whispering as well: well my choice might be twinkle, I mean she can use a fireball spell making her dangerous... and I would love to date danger

*Alex. Was love at first sight between you and gene?*

Alex: it certainly was for me, but I didn't know how gene felt-

Gene: I fell in love with him after he took off the black barons helmet.

Alex: I love you gene~❤️

Gene: I love you too alex~💗

*Gene how often do you steal Alex's shirts*

Gene, wearing Alex's long sleeved shirt which is too big on him: as often as I can to be honest but to be really honest with you... I have no idea even though alex keeps bleeding through his nose for some reason I never knew.

Alex, walks in and see's gene in one of his shirts while his nose bleeds again: here we go again.


Alex: hehe s-Sorry gene.

These questions are from awalker106

*can gene meet my Oc Kai?*

Gene: sure! But I need to know what she looks like ok?

Me: in this book they don't know about another universe so I'm very sorry about that.

*what does Alex like gene for?*

Alex: I love every thing about gene, his green eyes, to his adorable puppy eyes.

Me: while alex is still ranting about gene: well to put it that way for Alex, he can't resist gene's adorableness

Gareth: can I be in the ask now?

Me: NeVeR iN a MiLlIoN yEaRs *calms down* but yeah sure, as long as you apologise.

Gareth, shakily gives me a thumbs up: s-sure I'll do t-that

*can I hug them?*

Me: yes you can, as long as it isn't between 6:00pm to 12:00 cause that's their date night times.

*has Alex ever talked dirty to gene before?*

Ruby: well yes He's tried but every time he does... well... it's best if I show you.

*ruby grabs the camera and points to alex and gene*

Alex: So... do you wanna have a go with my sword~

Gene, adorably confused: um... Alex you know I can't lift heavy things.

Ruby, holds the camera up to her face: so yeah he's too innocent to know about this-

Gene, in the background: oh I get it... is it the chocolate swords we tried to make?

*Has Gene ever asked about... Well... what 'sex' is?

Gene, casually comes into the room traumatised: Alex... can we talk?

Alex, reading a book about knights honour: sure, what is it?

Gene, blushing nervously: uh... what's s-sex?

Alex, drops the book in pure shock: w-who told you the word?

Gene: uh ruby? W-why?

Alex, holding gene's face: I-I can't tell you... not right now- oh my god you're face is so squishy.

Gene, having his face squished: uh... mmh, c-can I halv my fwace bwack?

(Imagine gene with a feel sick emoji like this one 🤢 but without the green colour)

Alex: nope-🥰


Well I guess that's our asks and yes I have to bring Gareth in this cause he will not shut up.

Gareth: hey.

Me, in my scary voice: SeRiOuSlY!? yOu DoN't ShUt Up AbOuT nOt BeInG iN tHe AsK!!!

Gareth: n-never mind (runs away)

Me,calms down: so yeah, and also I'm doing a bit of AU stories for this like in Awalker106. So... yeah and I'm super excited to do these, plus I got board and the drawing is by @karmaisweird and I love her drawings, I really do.

A walker also inspired me to do AU chapters, for special reasons... and I also have a theory about twinkle and the fairy's. They may look younger then they appear but actually they are way older then that, they can be like vampires if they like to keep their beauty, even though the fairy queen got turned into a frog she still doesn't age.

But that's just a theory....... a film theory. (Man I like that guy's theory's even game theory's)

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