Gene's parents theory

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Just to be clear this is a theory for @sotakova2006 because the comments she has are surprisingly well thoughtful about the story line and logic so I asked her if she would like to have a theory chapter and I thought about some of them for a few months now so I'm just going to do a mat pat thing here so let's go ahead and do this theory.


Gene's parents, he never talks about them for a long long time, not even around his friends/teammates, and I've thought about something, if technopolis hasn't heard of the outside world and the robots stayed in the dome with the other technoplian's... then who knew about the outside world in the first place, well here is a little story about how things in technopolis used to be so we go. who ever had information to the outside world must have Been captured and interrogated by computer supreme, thinking one of the technoplian's have escaped from there very home, full of technology.

Which then computer supreme then found out that this person, who is most likely a guy, isn't from technopolis in the slightest bit, she then interrogated the person so that she can also have knowledge from the outside world, which he tell her the truth because he can't lie, he couldn't do the silent treatment either cause of her Death threats,

He told the truthful and wonderful things about the outside world, even telling her the air is breathable and not only computer supreme is interested but also another scientist who is a female, is also interested and she used to be dr x's experiment. in secret while computer supreme isn't around, she snuck in and asked him about the outside world.

In which he told her everything she asked about, and after a while she freed him from captivity with her excellent hacking skills, (guess who can do that very well) and after that she disguised him like one of her people so computer supreme thought he escaped, and after 8 years they got married (they met when they we're both 18) and had twins a boy and a girl who didn't get information about the outside world, and a daughter later on after they grew up the forth child has been born in which is in fact a boy, but that is when the wife found out that computer supreme was going to lie to technopolis about how the air is toxic and no life is around,

And so she found a code that can get anyone outside technopolis but also found it's too risky to take the whole family, so she decided leaving her family behind but not without saying goodbye to her family and this is when the youngest was a baby, when the forth kid is old enough the father tried to tell him about the outside world, until he was caught and dragged into technopolis tower in captivity again, but before he went he then yelled to his son to listen for the music, which is outside technopolis but he was only 6 years old, so he didn't remember who said the word music.

That is what I would though how she got that information in the first place, and how gene heard of the word music, gene's father is from outside the dome, while the mother was from inside the dome, it makes sense on how C.S. knew about the outside world and lied to other technopolians about it, and since two parents are not with there children anymore, the eldest siblings get the role of parent hood, so he was raised by his siblings,

So he build Lenny when he was 3 years old, he was just as smart as his own mother, and the sibling are so used to technopolis rules they taught gene how to be a very respective technoplian... but the oldest which are twins, became rebellious and tried to get their father back, but they have been captured as well, which only left the third oldest sister to look after gene, but when he turned 10 she left him since he was old enough to wander on his own, but she never forgave herself leaving gene behind, but gene had Lenny, which is an old carcass for now looked after gene more.

Of course when he was 13 he heard strange sounds on his invention, the holo-pad which he as working on, and since the sounds are rhythmic he figured out it's music, outside technopolis. Which then he decides to build the chameleon.

Gene's life was a bit sad that he doesn't know about his parents, in which he was orphaned, and two of his siblings we're captured and the only sibling looked after gene for 4 years before leaving him when he was 10, and he has left technopolis when he was 14, and since he and his friends/teammates knew each other for 4 years, that is when he turned into an 18 year old scientist leaving alex 17 ruby 17 and twinkle 16 in human years .

(dramatic recordscratch sound) yep, in fairy years they are much older than you think, but in human years they turned out to be younger twinkle is actually 116 years old, but in human years she's 16, of course in hear heart she is 6 years old which gave her silliness 116 years old is when she learns old songs in her fairy culture and older objects and how they we're made with magic, like the magical golden fairy book, the magic fairy tree, the fire opal,

But I'll finish that in a later chapter... but that whole gene's parents theory... that's just a theory, a series theory


I hope I don't get a copy write for putting matt pat's catch phrase in this story, but so yeah that's my theory for this here parents theory for gene next one would be the other characters... maybe.

But anyway @sotakova2006 this is the theory I have for gene's parents for you, and others I've been thinking about this theory for a while when I've been first introduced to this show, I've just been thinking on how It's gonna make sense so here you go hope you like it.

P.s. I'll just put this as an early/ late birthday present for you so happy late/early birthday.

The little black roseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora