Vampire AU part 1

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It wasn't long since vampires started to come around, everyone in the village got scared by these creatures. But they've never met Kingsland's royals, their wealthy yes but their whole family are vampires even their knights. Since enemy vampires started to attack humans, they never let another family member outside the castle ever since...

well Almost every vampire

Up in the study room there is two vampires up there, one is a knight and the other is a prince. He thinks the outside world is a place to explore and have an adventure. Gareth on the other hand, he thinks the world is a dangerous place and will never be explored in a million years of their entire lives. "And that is why you should never explore the outside world in a million years, humans are cruel to us." Alex rolled his eyes not believing it. "Gareth, the humans always believed we are evil because of our enemies, can't we just give them a chance?"

Gareth looked at the prince with his eyebrows down, obviously not happy about it. "We've been over this Your highness, no vampire has ever been outside for years, why do you think the humans will except us!?" "Because they've believe vampires burn in the sun, are unholy and their eyes are always red. But those are lies and they know it. I'm going to my room." Alex then walked out of the study room and shut the door, while Gareth shook his head. 'He's too young.'

Alex's p.o.v

I couldn't take it anymore, I've been in this castle for far too long, I'm 117 years old and I can't stay in here for as long as I have to. "This isn't fair Leonora, you're 119 years old and you have a choice." I said to my older sister of course mad and walking back and forth. "Calm down Alexander... they don't have to know." I stopped going back and forth and looked at my sister confused. "What? You mean I should sneak out?" She nodded. "I maybe blonde but I don't have blue eyes like you." That is very true, I maybe a vampire but I'm the only one in this castle besides my mom with blue eyes.

"Hmmm I don't know, I need to go into church first." "I know one in the town, it isn't even near the town." After a while of thinking about what my sister said, and I snuck out of my home in a cloak and went to the outskirts of Kingsland's town square's church, it was raining so i don't know if the priest is here, so I knocked on the door and the person who opened the door looked about in his 30s. "Hello young one, come inside it's cold out." I went inside and sat down in one of the chairs. "It's so nice to see another child go here in this church... where is that boy?"

I was confused why he said that, so I asked. "Why did you say that... um." "Please, call me father Laurence, everyone here does your highness." My eyes widened and I looked at the priest. "H-how did you know-?" "You're family's royal crest is a lion Alexander, plus it's on your amulet." I looked down and saw I'm wearing my family's royal crest. "Oh... right, you're... not mad?" The priest chuckled and gave me some holy water. "You're mother used to come here, she told me all about the truth of vampires, and only the truth."

After a while, father Laurence went to bed and left some candles on so someone else can see... until I heard the doors creak, I turned around and saw it was another priest... except he's younger then father Laurence. "Father Laurence?" He yelled. "Uh... he went to bed, it was late." The younger one sighed and went to sit next to me, he was soaked from top to bottom. I felt bad for him, so I went to the cupboard and grabbed a towel for each of us since I'm still dripping, he took off the cloak and started wrapping himself to dry up, but he tripped and fell backwards, I smiled and enjoyed his company for some reason. "You ok there?" I asked trying not to laugh. "Y-Yeah I'm ok." He said as he tried to get the towel off of his head.

"Heheh, here let me help you." As I helped him up the towel moved away from his head and once I saw his eyes their like nothing I've ever seen before, I mean I know I've been inside the castle all my life only seeing red, blue, green. But his eyes are the most beautiful emerald green I've ever seen. "You... ok? It looks like you've seen a ghost." I blinked a few times and shook my head.

"You'll have to pardon my stare it's just... I've never seen your eyes so green before." He blinked at this when I said that, and blushed. Which made me nervous since the only blood we've got are the ones from wild animals, and it's so very tempting to get close and not think about food. "Well... I-I'm Gene."

Gene's p.o.v

I haven't been near king Kendrick's castle since they don't trust humans at all, but I've also been told that not all vampires are evil just... very territorial. So I stayed clear from there, just when it started raining and I came back to the church father Laurence is already asleep and a total stranger i sat next to is talking to me once I told him my name he told me his. "Well I'm Alexander, but call me Alex." His eyes turned your to be a very lovely sapphire colour, but once he smiled I saw fangs.

Which made me panic and stepped back. He seemed to notice how panicked my eyes must of went cause he seemed worried. "H-hey, I'm not what you seem to think. I'm just... trying to get out of the castle, that's all." After he said that I almost calmed down, but then I realised he didn't bite me straight away, and I said something I never regret.

"I think I'm going to like you."

To be continued

Hi everyone, sorry about the late chapter I was very busy, but not with school because of the virus that's roaming around... which SUCKS BECAUSE ITS JUST A VIRUS WE'VE DELT WITH THIS STUPID ALMOST DEATH EXPERIENCE BEFORE IN THE PAST LIKE THE BLACK PLAGUE AND EBOLA! But my mom doesn't want to risk me being there while this is going on but I still think people need to calm down.....

I'm starting to think I might be under reacting through this whole craziness with this virus and over reacting that I can't be with my friends... welp see you guys later

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