A tired gene is the best gene short

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News flash this is not an Au or an Au short, it's just the same old regular super 4 but with a twist. Nothing too special about this. So let's just get right to it.


*Gene's p.o.v*

Everyone has fallen asleep, well... except me of course, technoplian's aren't the best at sleeping. I've even tried to sleep myself but dr x keeps giving me different projects and every time I've almost finished he always gives me a new one. Just hope no one notices that I'm awake at this hour-. "OUCH ALIEN!?!"

*Alien's p.o.v*

Gene hasn't been sleeping at all lately, the first time I noticed is when I woke up early like usual I saw gene having 12 cups of coffee in the morning, in the afternoon gene stayed behind so he could work on his project and guess what happened!? He decided to hug me while he was drifting off after he was done. so I took matters into my own hands...

...I decided to bite gene on the ankle. "OUCH ALIEN!?!" By the time he looked down where I was I had a look that said, "go to bead right now, or else I'll bite you again." He reached his hand to where I biting into and started to rub the sting away. "Stop that! You know you're bites actually hurt me more then you think." I rolled my eyes and started to swear in my language, good thing no one can understand me-. "Watch your language alien, what would twinkle think..? Oops."

My jaw dropped, he understood me this whole time? "GARAREGARL!?!?" Gene looked around for anyone else that could be spying on us. "Well... yes, I've understood you. I have been hiding it very well in front of you guys.. but I guess some secrets can't be kept." He said while rubbing the back of his neck in nervousness. I can tell when someone is very nervous, gene's is just different then others. "Geh... gregala, GRAGAELLAIGA!!" Gene got even more nervous and it's only 12:00 so he still has time before it's too late.

"Alien, I know you've been figuring out that I'm not getting any sleep, but I have to get my work done-." He cut off what he was going to say next, and looked at the screen smiling. "Aha, take that dr x! Guess who's sleeping tonight-." Before he could finish he got an email on the screen. Once he looked at it his smile dropped. "Are you kidding me!? THIS IS GOING TO TAKE ALL NIGHT!!" He yelled before slamming his head onto the controls. "Stupid dr x and his stupid assignments he gives all of us." He mumbled, but I heard very well... this is going to be a long day tomorrow.

To be continued


Hi, sorry for the late chapter, I've just been very busy lately, and thinking about chapters aren't too hard for me it's just... I also have tumblr, which is flowing with new stuff or... something? And I've just gotta be careful and check things, so... yeah

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