Anouncements (with our two lovable dorks)

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Me: Hey guys, I'm still looking for questions for our asks so please ask if you have the time.

Gene: we're getting quite board after a while, me and Alex just making out the whole time isn't working that much.

Alex: so asking your questions is a lot of fun so please ask us anything if you will.

Twinkle: don't forget to ask me, Alien and ruby if you will.

Ruby: yeah we needed to be included a lot more so please let us be in the ask.

Gareth, still bruised and a broken leg: even though I'm still in pain, I'm still Not giving into a girl.

Me, pulls out a demon sword in my hands: sAy ThAt AgAiN i DaRe YoU tOo SaY iT

Gareth, cowards in fear: n-no Thanks, I-I think I'm good (runs away)

Me, puts the demon sword away: I'll also be asking questions these five who can't answer paradox questions *cough* *cough* alien *cough*.

Alien: gahoghagahag (I heard that, but that's not you're true power is it?).

Me: yeah I know alien, and you're right the demon sword thing isn't close to my full power... and you will never know.

Everyone except gene, Alex, Ruby, twinkle, Gareth & forte sack (I don't know how that is spelled): aww man.

Me: but still you can ask us anything if you wish just go ahead and ask us anything.

Black baron: how come I'm not in this?

Me, in a dark angry voice: BeCaUsE yOu'Re NoT nIcE eNoUgH FoR tHiS sToRy YeT.

Black baron, shivering with fear: n-noted.

Me, calms down: sorry, but you did do terrible things and fail like trying to take over Kingsland, steal the golden tea pot, try to marry Leonora 101 times, kidnap our hero's, steal fairies magic... shall I continue?

Black baron: n-no no you shall not continue at all.

Me: even though it's December now and I'm about to move to an island next year so I'll be away for a while.

Gene, Alex, ruby, twinkle, Kendrick, Leonora, and everyone else: NO!

Gene, hugs me while sobbing: why (sobs)

Me, hugs gene back: you do not want to know... plus life has been hitting us hard real bad, but it will change when my family move-

Pinkie pie: WAIT YOU'RE MOVING!?

Me, face paled then it already is: WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE PINKIE!?

Pinkie pie: I came to see my boyfriend alex.

Me, face palms: ... you're in the wrong book pinkie.

Pinkie pie, realisation: ooooooooh... no wonder king Kendrick doesn't know me... well goodbye (pops like a balloon)

Me: forth wall breaks am I right? As I was saying, my life would be different when I live on an island and no it isn't Hawaii, as well as with everyone IN THIS BOOK we wish you a merry Christmas later on in Another chapter

Everyone: And a happy new year.

Alex: what does that pink puffy haired girl mean by I'm her boyfriend.

Me: it's in another dimension you will never know ok?

Alex: ok.

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