Opposite sides AU part 1

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Character roles: Gene- black baron's adorable guardsmen, Alex- assassin, twinkle & ruby- not in this Sorry 😓

(Alex's Tree house looks like that ^)

No one's p.o.v

Once upon a time in a land far far away, lived a young prince who has a part time job. And that job is a part time assassin, his father never knew about his job at all. So he's been keeping a secret from his father ever since... although he is known as an assassin in his part time job, he is also known as the prince with no feelings, he has never felt love in his heart in many years since his mother disappeared and left him a purple stone. But soon he will find that one true-


"AAAAHHHH!!!" Screamed the young guardsman, a loud booming voice scared gene half to bits, Gene is wearing a simple white long sleeved shirt, long pants and some boots. "Where we're you!? You're night training starts today!" Dang it, Gene totally forgot training is tonight. "S-Sorry Sir Rypan, I didn't know the time." Gene said to Rypan, the older guardsman sighed and signaled the younger male to follow him, Gene followed after he got ready. "So... what we're you reading back there?" Rypan asked, which gene was happy to oblige the information. "Well Sir the story is about a handsome prince who is also an assassin, even though assassins don't exist I find them enduring."

For as long as Rypan could remember clearly, he has always found the younger one a very interesting knight to be, however..... every single post he has put gene through he could never lift up a sword or, aim a bow... he did build a crossbow though to help him aim better, once the young male guard said something about assassins not becoming real kinda made him feel guilty for not telling him... but he has to tell one way or another.

"Actually gene, assassins are very very real, believe me... I've seen the assassin called... axel dominate." Gene's mouth went wide... who was Rypan kidding he hasn't seen the kids face through that helmet since he got here all he could see is the young mans eyes. Which are a lovely bright green emerald colour. "Trust me on this one young man... don't run into axel... I mean it." Gene nodded and went to his post where his night guard mentor is.

When gene arrived where his mentor is he didn't see him. 'Huh, that's weird... am I in the wrong place?' Gene thought. after a while he got board. Until he heard an impaling sound. Instead of walking away his curiosity got the better of him, he followed the sound until it got louder. When he arrived right there, on the ground, lifeless. Is his mentor, lying dead on the ground. And the person stabbing him is non other then an assassin... but not just any assassin, axel dominate. gene then dropped the spear he's holding and it alerted the assassin

When the assassin looked up behind him, Gene didn't need to be told twice to run away from the mysterious assassin. He ran towards the wake up bell to wake the rest of the guards up but the assassin ran faster then gene did. When he was almost to the belle, he wasn't really fast enough to reach the belle in time,

There he is, back on the wall. Wrists trapped by the assassin that dodged the most dangerous dragons. Gene really did want to call for help... but he can't yell... no matter what happens he'll have the same fate.. but he didn't attack gene at all.. instead he looked very curious at gene. 'What could this menace be thinking about? Am I gonna die?'

Axel's p.o.v

I've already done the job by killing the night guard, since there isn't a lot of knights to be on night duty. The night is perfect for my night time sneak attacks. "See you in hell, Rest In Peace." I said getting up, Until I heard something drop behind me. 'Who the hell would take a job as night guard?' I thought. I then turned around to see another knight but... his face is covered by the the face armour, he started to run towards the belle. 'Not on my watch.' I thought and ran towards the guard. By the time I caught up to him I pinned him to the brick wall where he was just about to ring the bell,

And got to be honest, as a master assassin you not supposed to get curious on stupid things like what's behind that face armour he's wearing, so instead of killing the guy I had to know about his face, like how he has a rose mark on the left side of his neck, but my right hand let go of his left wrist which is near the bell. "You shouldn't have done that." Is what he said as he reached for the bell and rang it,

Since it warned all of the guards I had to escape, so I let go of the guard, dodge my way through the weapons they shot and I'm out again, after I escaped from the castle I decided to see the guards trying to find me

After a few seconds Rypan came out all concerned and terrified for some reason, the terrifying part I get but I've never seen him concerned for something in all his life... I wonder what it is he's concerned about.

*hours later till morning*

It was morning so I decided to just sneak in one of the rooms and hide from the guards, and I have no idea which guard is which since all of them is either a blond or a red head, before I could find a place to hide I heard the door latch open. Thinking fast I snuck behind the door hoping the'll leave it opened.

Aaaand what made it all worse is that the same person I almost (not) assassinated last night entered the room, probably his room that I'm in. 'Damn it... actually, this is a great opportunity to see this guy's face and know about his mark a lot more better. Operating keep him quiet is a go... might be threatening but still.' I thought,

After waiting for minutes he turned around facing away the door to face the locked window I locked earlier. My plan went into action, I shut the door and locked it quietly without him noticing, came up right behind him and slamming him into a wall with a knife to his throat, after I did that he squeaked in fear... squeaked in fear!? That's... kinda cute to be honest. And if he either screamed or tries to get away I have a sleeping potion that'll knock him right out.

Got to be honest I'm not the bad guy here, I'm just trying to prove to my father that I can handle things on my own. "P-please... d-don't kill m-me." He said, and oh my god! he sounded younger then I am, even if his voice is deeper then mine he sounds younger. "Just... stay still and I won't, deal?" Frightened he nodded rapidly. I reached for the helmet he's wearing but he turned his head away. "I-I really d-don't like g-giving away my identity."

He said trying to get me out of it but I'm not falling for that so instead I held onto the metal knights helmet and took it off with no problem. "There, now I'll know what the deal is with you and this helmet-." Before I could say anything else I dropped the helmet he wore in pure shock. In my line of vision he. Is. Flipping. Adorable.

His eyes are a really bright emerald green with puppy eyes to match, his hair is jet black but really short. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. "Uh.... u-uh... o-ok you've seen my face, now please for the love of god lET. ME GO-." I decided to cut him off by making him drink the sleeping potion, and for a few seconds he fell into my arms. 'Ok he's out like a candle light... now to get out of here and go to my hide out-.'

"Hey? You ok in there bud?" A voice said outside the door interrupting my thoughts. Shoot, a guard must be near his room and heard the shout. "Well... if you're asleep from last night I'll just leave you alone then." I didn't make a single sound and he just left, heavy boots walking away from the door.

I sighed in relief and carried the adorable guard in my arms, his armour isn't really that heavy or him so I can carry him easily. Once I'm out of the barons palace I went into my secret hiding place, which is in the tree house in the forbidden forest, looks like any other forest but since everyone knows me as axel dominate no one comes in the forest... unless their really pure & innocent.

So I laid him down on the bed and walked towards the window looking out in the horizon. Maybe I should reveal my identity to him... maybe he could trust me more then me as "axel dominate" and he might finally trust me for real.

I thought. But then I thought again. What if he runs away and tells them who I am and they tried to find me? Looks like fate decide this time.

I just hope he believes in me

To be continued.


I'm sorry this took so long, it should have been finished before New Year. But consider this as a happy new year present happy new year to everyone 🎉

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