Q & A

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@deltaryne. Asked these questions for our boys.

How long have alex and gene been together and what will alex do if he sees gene in trouble?

Gene: well we've been together for only 6 weeks but we're still together no mater what.

Alex: (flaming eyes while gene is scared for life) I WILL KILL WHO EVER HURTS MY LITTLE ROSE (calms down) phew.... sorry you had to see that.

Gene: it's ok, I'm used to yelling... but not from you.

What would gene do if Alex started ignoring him?

Gene: well..... actually I would just say these words.. Alex it's an emergency!


Gene, looks down: oh never mind. I found my slippers, (holds up bunny slippers).

Alex: phew.

Gene, realisation: wait the shirt is yours? No wonder the sleeves are big on me.

Alex, sheepishly rubs the back of his head: hehehe... whoops

Why do they love each other?

Me: Alex loves him because he as small as a rose and gene loves alex because he protects him no matter what.

Gene, did you feel like hurting yourself when the black baron took you and held you prisoner?

Gene, reads the fifth question: uh..... don't tell Alex but, (pulls up sleeve) and that is only from the barons sharp whip... and for the last question deltaryne he gets really protective-

Alex, holds gene's arm: GENE WHAT HAPPENED? WHO DID THIS.

Gene: t-the baron when he kidnapped me.

Alex, inhales and exhales: please don't keep anymore secrets from me (holds gene's cheek) I'll always take care of you ok?

Gene: ok

(Gene and Alex kiss passionately)

Me: BOYS!!! We have more questions remember?

Gene and Alex, stops kissing: right.

@karmaisaweirdgirl asked these questions... also with her friends

What will alex do if someone flirt with gene?

Gene, standing around having a drink until a random gay stranger came by.

Stranger: Hello there sweetheart~

Gene: uh........ hi?

Stranger: is it hot in here? No it's actually me- (gulps)

Alex, holding gene tightly looking really mad... and has a dagger behind his back: I'm sorry but he's already taken.

Stranger: uh.... s-Sorry I-I'll just... g-go (walks off disappointed)

Gene, to Alex: thanks, he was creeping me out a whole lot.

Will alex ever stop tickling gene?

Alex: Eh... only if gene stops being adorable.... did he stop? No he did not so the answer is no. Though sometimes he needs space-

Gene: Alex..... c-can you please t-tickle me..... (silently): please?

Alex, confused but smiled: and if he's in a lee mode blushing... I can't say no to his Lee mode (starts tickling gene's ribs)

Gene, being tickled: Hahahahahah thihihihihis ihihihihis fuhuhunuhuhun for both ohohohohohof ahahahahaha us ahahaha.

How did Alex not get a nosebleed?

Alex, remembering the day he either did or didn't: well....


Alex, just walked in the medical resting room: hey gene where do you want these book- (drops four books)

Gene,wearing Alex's shirt: hey Alex. Who's shirt is this? It's too big on me it stops at the end of my hands- oh..... Oh god Alex!? Your bleeding through your nose! What happened!?

Alex, nose bled for seeing gene so adorable in his own shirt: uh... I-I'm fine I-I just... c-came back from knights training and brought you these books t-that's all.

*end of flash back*

Alex: I actually did have a nose bleed but I think it stopped-

Gene, in his cute purple dragon onesie: hey Alex, what do you think of my onesie for our next movie night.

Alex, nose bleeding: nope it's back. It's definitely back.

Gene: WHY DO YOU ALWAYS GO TO THE TRAINING AREA THEN!?!? You need to rest (puppy dog eyes)

Alex: sure... I'll be careful... but no promises in training though.

Galaxyfox7 asked.
Alex are you gonna marry gene?

Alex: well I will be in the future, but we're both too young so we have got a while

Twinkle: you sure you don't want to marry gene now?

Alex: I'm gonna have to wait until I'm twenty one.

Leonora: while my brother is doing that I'm going to prepare the wedding dress and suit.

Ruby: wait a minute... who's the wedding dress for?

Leonora: why for Alex's fiancé of course.

Alex, blushing very brightly: uh... l-Leonora I'm not sure if that's a good idea for gene at all... b-but I can manage.


Me: thank you for having your best asks, be sure to comment more questions and our two loveable dorks will answer for you-... *sighs* they're at it again, excuse me for a minute so I can deal with this *inhales* GENE AND ALEX STOP MAKING OUT ALREADY AND GREET THE PEOPLE WHO ARE READING THIS!!! please

Alex, stops kissing gene: hehehe sorry Claudie, I couldn't help it.

Gene: or do we call you by your new nick name? you know... the one you made up for yourself

Me: that part is later, just please say thank you to your supporters, and also thank these people who questioned you guys.

Alex, getting off gene: right right...... uh, thank you for supporting this story, and be sure to ask us more questions.

Gene: and if you do ask these questions we'll give your oc's a big hug if you  have one.

Alex: ok that one is actually really fair, your good at these stuff.

Me: ok go back to making out if you will.

*Gene & Alex, making out in the other room*

Me: wow.... that was fast, anyway after the next chapter of our story, there will be a next Q&A so please stay tuned if you will.

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