Chapter Four:Maybe... I Do?

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As first I wanted to say is that one of my favorite fan arts are from Edne Daphne and that person is way to talented!
Also, are you guys excited for new episode? ITS THE LAST EPISODE OF SEASON 2 AND OMFG ITS SO PERFECTTTTTT. Can't wait to see how is going to be new villian . I guess its going to be Natalie. She LOOOKS THE SAME. But a lot of people say its going to be Emilie or Kagami.
Idk I just cant wait😍😍😍😍😍

Marinette's POV:

I got in school on time. Littlery first time in my life. I walked by and I saw Alya. She screamed my name.

,, Marinette!!! ''
,, Hey! Why are you running and screaming my name? Is it something important?! ''
,, You woudn't belive. First, I GOT AN INTERVIEW FROM LADYBUG!!! ''

I know becose I AM Ladybug

,, Wow, amazing! '' I lied. I was a bad liar, but now I think I was great.

,, Second, Nino and I are dating! "
,, Omg are you serious! That's awesome!''

I was happy for them. Finally undesrstanding who they truly love. I wood love to have the same luck, but i am going to be happy for her. After all, shes my BFF.

,, Hey I didn't notice that you are actually on time in school. What happened to you girl? ''

Alya, you know, a super hero Chat Noir came on my balcony, talked aboute my and his love problems, then we got into fight, then we both said sorry and some cute stuffs and then we hugged and I blushed so hard cuz I am in love with Chat Noir from that moment.
Everybody understands how horrible that sounds.

,,Well, I had a good night. ''
,, Are you sure it's just that? You seem much... different? In a good way. ''
,, Just had some good sleep. That's all.''
,, Hey boys are coming. Lets say hi to-''
,, Your new boyfriend. ''

She blushed sooo hard.

,, Hey guys! '' I said and Nino replied with a big smile and waved.
,, Hey Mari, hey Al.''
,,Hey Nino and... Adrien? ''

Adrien looked weird. He looked in floor but it looked like he was blushing. Why wood he?

Adrien's POV:

Nino and I were walking to school. He was telling me what's he gping to make for Alya. He told me that they were a couple when he got in front of my house. I was happy for him. They seem to be in love and to be happy as a couple. If I had such a luck in my own love life.

,, Hey dude, you look weird today. Whats wrong? ''

You know Nino, I am a super hero or Chat Noir and as I was in love with Ladybug and she broke my heart, I went to Marinette and talked with her aboute that. Then we had fight and then I asked her for advice and she told me to apologize to this girl and sure I asked her aboute that as Adrien. Next night I went to her house, said sorry, hugged her and blushed so hard and fell for Marinette. Ya becose that makes so much sence.

I got out of my mind and finally said something.

,, I just had some rest from modeling thats all. ''
,, Ok. Whatever you say. ''

We walked and we came in front of school. Thats the moment when I saw Marinette. I blushed so hard so I putted my head down.

,, Hey guys! ''

I heard her angelic voice and blushed even more.
,, Hey Mari, hey Al. ''
Nino replied with a wave.
,, Hey Nino and... Adrien? ''

I got my head up and said hi to both of girls. Well... sort of...

,,Hey Alya and h-hi Mar-Marine-Marinette! ''

The most stupid thing I have ever done. Good way to go Agreste.

Heyy I hope you enjoyed this one. Love ya and till tne next chapter!! ❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍😍😍

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