Chapert Eight:I Love You With My Whole Heart

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Marinettes POV:

So, today is heros day. Wait... I KISSED CHAT!! AHAHHAHAHAH! IT WAS SO PERFECT. Finally. Well, I need to get ready. I have a perfect outfit for today.

So when I woke up, I grabbed my clothes for today. I was so exited! When I got out of house, I saw a lot of decorations. Mostly of Ladybug.

I got to school and mostly dressed like Ladybug. There were some others like Rena Rouge and Carapace and even some Queen Bee. But there wasn't Chat Noir.

While I was walking around, I saw Nino, Alya and Adrien.

Nino was in Rena style and Alya in Carapace. Adrien was in Ladybug style.

Adriens POV:

Since my fav hero is Ladybug, I got some clothes designed in Ladybug style. It was amazing day. Not just cuz it's a heros day. I kissed the love of my life. My princess. I finally got her.

I was walking with my best frien Nino. He was all for Rena Rouge. Does he know he has a girlfriend?! Same for Alya. I just don't understand them. While we were walking, we saw Alya dressed as Carapace. Really?!

As we finally arrived to school, I saw somethimg I cloudn't belive it. It was Marinette. She was dressed like Chat Noir.

When we came closer, I was blushing so hard. She was so freaking cute!She had this t-shirt and on top of it it was written,, Purrrincess'' with a paw on it. Letters were black and the whole t-shirt was green. She had this black skirt and black shoes. And her hair was down and she had a green ribbon in hair.

I was dying from blush. She was the only one that actually dressed as Chat Noir.

,, Hey guys! '' she yelled.
Nino and Alya waved and I tried not to blush. It looks like it didn't work.

,, Adrien, why are you so red? Do you need medecine? Are you ok? ''

,, Yeahhh-Yeahh hhahahah. It's SO HOT here! I am going inside!!!''

I ran inside as fast as I cloud. She is so freaking cute!

Marinettes POV:

,, What happed with him? ''
,, Belive me I don't know. '' Alya replied.

He is acting so strange. And for the rest of the day. He was so weird.

Everybody were asking why I dressed as Chat and I simply said:
,, Cuz he is amazing and he deserves respect. ''

So, when school finished, I got into my room and I got on sketching.

After sometime I heard a knock.
I knew who this person was and I ran to window to open it.

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