New chapeter of our lives Pt.2

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Marinettes POV:

So that hangout w Luka was awesome! I really enjoyed it, but something felt wrong. Ok I understand that I was in love w Chat Noir, but he was with that ReNa RoUgE. What he sees in her? I was jealous. And now I do think that. For real. She is nothing but a flirt. He suddenly likes her a lot. Maybe he forgot about me? I HATED THIS FEELING. Why I have to be the one to feel this?! Maybe I shoud get some some rest from boys. 

I sat on my chair and I started drawing something. Drawing would always make me feel better. I thought of designs that I could draw. And I did. I was drawing for hours and those hours were so peacefull. If I knew what was about happen, I think that nothing would be so peacefull. 

Chat Noirs POV:

I couldnt belive that they hang out! I thought that she cared about me! At least just a little bit, but no. She would rather hang out w Luka than me. I hated that Luka guy. Why did he had to talk with Mari all the time?! Couldnt he find a girl hes age and hangout with her?!

I was filled with anger. My body was heating from anger. I think that I screamed and that whole Paris heard me. But I didnt care. I had to let my anger out, on something or someone. Thank God is wasnt someone. Who knows what would happen if I actually let my anger on someone. I would never forgive myself.

As I sat on one building, I just laid and started crying. I didnt know what to do. She was on my mind. Only her. That Rena Rouge was just a phase. I kinda enjoyed her flirting, because Ladybug would rearly flirt, actually, would be a little free, wild. She was always so strict about everything and I was so sick of it. I couldnt bare that anymore. And then I really met Mari. Girl thats unstoppable, creative and smart. I just loved her personality. She is the only one for me. But she deserved better thatn me. Maybe Luka was right for her. I never actually talked with him. But, if she is happy, I am happy too. But I couldnt bare myself to stop crying.

Thats when I noticed something coming thorwards me. Actually, flying. Akuma. I tried running aways, but I couldnt even get up and I heard that voice. Hawkmoth was talking with me.

,, Hi Chat Blanc. I am Hawkmoth."

I couldnt belive that I let the negative emotions overpower me. I tried to get him out of my head

,, You wont win! You wont overpower me!"

I held my head so hard. I tried everything. I didnt listen to him until I heard her name

,, That baker girl was hanging out with another boy. Dont you feel that feeling? That feeling of jelosy?"

I stopped arguing. A tear rolled down my cheeks. 

,, You can do whatever you want. You can destroy him. To get revenge. MAbe even to get revenge on Her."

He controled me and I had no idea what I was doing. I just grined.

,, Yes Hawkmoth." 

I felt some darkness fullfilmenting me. I could only think of revenge. That was all. And I was going to get one.

Marinettes POV:

I was just drawing. Tikki said that I should go one patrol, because Chat Noir wasnt here, so I had to take his part to. I transformed and I jumped from my balcony to another building. It was a normal day. Or I just thought that it was. Suddenly I heard screaming. I just swung my jojo to where I heard screaming from. Only thing I saw was dust. I tried getting out of it. And as I finally escaped dust, I saw one building turning black and just becoming dust again. I did not belive my eyes. Only one power could do this. Only one miraculous could do this. Only one person had this power. I stared at it blankly. As I was stearing at the building, I heard screaming from behind my back. I saw him and group of people running thorwards me. A of them just passed me. He was approaching slowly. He was looking me straight in eyes. Hes eyes were Filled with anger and his suit was blanc, white. 

,, Well, well, what we got here? Ladybug."

,, Chat Noir, what happened to you?!"

,, I understood real things. Just the best way to make things right."

,, This is surrely ot the right way! Please, just listen to me! I cant fight you!"

,, Well, what a sad story, because I can and I will."

,, I dont want to hurt you, please just come back to normal!"

,, Maybe you shoud just get use dto this new Chat Noir. Chat Blanc. This is my life now. I had so many problems that you would never understand!"

,, I have problems too, but this is not the right -"

,, I dont care what you think about this! I will live my life as I want it to live."

,, You are a superhero Chat Noir! Dont let Hawkmoth to do this to you!"

,, I am Chat Blanc and he is not making me. This is the Real me. All the paths were leadig to this. To the point were I couldnt bare you, my father and... "

He was stearing blankly at the sky that was full of dust. He continued talking.

,, I am going to take my revenge no matter what."

he was litterly whispering. Thats when I understood that he was way too close me. I didnt know what to do.

,, Please, just come back to me."

 This was the point where I was tottaly desprate. I didnt know what to do or what to act like. I fell on my knees and started crying. He kneeled and holded my jawline with one hand.

,, We can end this My Lady. Just give me your miraculous and you will be free. If you dont, I will be forced to take it myself. Neither you and me wants that. So just give it to me. You are already weak. You will not fight me. You are powerless."

,, The last thing I would ever let happen in my life is someone hurting my love ones and for me to give my miraculous to anyone. I will fight until my last breath to keep my promise And I promised it."

I stood up and turned on my fight mode. 

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