Chapter Twelve: New Chapter Of Our Lives Pt. 1

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Marinettes POV:

Another week passed very fast. As I couldn't be without Chat one day, I would always ran home as fast as I can so I can spend more time with him. Everything was amazing. Just the way they shoud be. I loved his company.

One day Chat told me that he is going to be out of town for a while so I wasn't in my best mood. That same day I got call from Luka and he asked me if I wanted to hang out. As I was free, I said that it would be amazing. What else could I do? Alya was out of town, as same as Nino and Adrien. Why were all my friends out of town in the same week?!
School was even more boring now. I still had Alex, Juleka, Rose and Mylene, but I still missed my squad.
When school finally finished, I wasnt that exited to go home. I knew that Chat wouldn't wait me there so there was no point in running.
I didn't even started crossing the road, when my phone rang. It was Luka.
,, Hey Marinette! ''
,, Oh, hey Luka! ''
,, Sorry if I am calling you early. I mean, I know when your class ends so I called as fast as I could. ''
,, Why are you in such a hurry? ''
,, Can you come to the park now? There is something very special that I wanna tell you. ''
,, Ok. I am coming. ''

I was afraid of what could he tell me. What if I need to break his heart?
Juleka once told me that he has a tiny crush on me. I didn't took it seriously that time, but what if he is trying to tell me that?

As soon as I approached, my heart started beating very fast. I couldn't break his heart. I just couldn't.

I saw him sitting on a bench. He was very excited, as I saw.

Oh God please tell me that he is not going to tell me that he likes me.

,, Marinette! ''
,, Heyy. ''
,, As I said, I have to tell you something. ''
Here it comes
,, But please don't tell anybody. ''
,, I won't. I promise. ''
,, Jagget Stone asked me to play lead guitar on his concert! ''

Wait... WHAT. Oh my, I almost died here. Thank God.

,, Wow that amazing!''

In that moment, I hugged him and he hugged me back and then I broke it.

,, I know. And that's why I called you. You are the only person that I can tell this. ''
,, Thank you for that. ''
,, And btw, I was bored and I thought that maybe we could walk aroud the park? ''
,, Of course! ''

We both stood up and started chating abote life and his amazing opportunity. When he said that, I felt better, but in the same time I felt...Strange. Like I was sad for some reason. I don't know why I would cuz everything was amazing, wasn't it? And then the picture got in my head.

Chat Noir with this new Rena Rouge.

They were having fun.

She was flirting with him.

And what hurt me the most?

That it seemed that...

He enjoyed in that. He like the idea of her flirting with him.

I sound like I am going to die out of jelosy, but it wasn't just that. He didn't care abote Ladybug. He didn't care aboute that part of me. He was rude and his voice was filled with anger. What did I do wrong?

I thought that this is the right time to just forget aboute it and just enjoy in talking.

As I didn't know that someone was following us. And it wasn't anyone. It was a very special person...

Adriens POV:

I was preparing for my trip to Scotland. It was going to be so boring, cuz Mari wouldn't be around. I really liked her. Like really. So I decided to visit her.

,, Plagg, come here. ''
,, What is it? ''
,, I have some camembert! ''
,, I aM cOmInG''


,, And where is my cheese, may I ask?''
,, No cheese today. PLAGG CLOSE OUT''
,, NoOoOoO''

As soon as I transformed, I got out of my house=hell.

I was running throw the wind on top of the buildings to seee the girl of my dreams.

I got on her trapdoor and I knocked twice. No one answered. I putted my hands on glass and there was no one in there. Just when I turned around, I saw her, talking to someone on the phone. She started walking in the diffrent direction of her house so I decided to follow her. I followed her to the park and I saw Luka sitting on the bench. I was hoping that Princess wouldn't going to notice him, but he was the person she has been looking for. Why would she hang out with Luka?! I aM tOtAlY nOt JeLoUs!
He was very exited. I only herd
,, I have something to tell you. ''

He was looking her strait into her blue bell eyes. If he says that thing that I think he'll say, that he shoud better watch his head. I didn't hear what he said but he gave Mari that look. Like he is asking her to approve that. (whatever he said). She looked happy and she said something and she hugged him. What were they talking aboute?! Why he asked her to come?! Why is it so important?!

And most importantly...

Does this mean that Mari likes Luka?That she forgot abote me?
Maybe I am overreacting, but what if it is true? What if they are friends with benefits?

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