New Chapter of our lives Pt.4

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It had to work.

He had to live.

I told my team that I must go. Everyone looked at me. They were worried.

,, I am going to call Ladybug so she can try to clean this mess up. Can you hold him for sometime?"

,, Of course Mari." Queen Bee said. She was worried

I just ran. There was a corner and I just set there and cried everything out of me. It was painful. He...died. I couldnt belive. 

,, Marinette!" Tikki said while flying over to me. ,, What happened? Why are you crying?"

,, Tikki..." I bursted in tears even more. I couldnt take it.

,, Tell me. You know you can tell me anything."

,, Luka...he died. Chat Blanc killed him with his cataclysm."

Tikki looked so stunned. She surly wasnt expecting this.

,, I am so sorry Mari. Maybe we can get him back you know. I am not sure if I can do it, or, if you can handle that power, but if you want to..."

,, Of course I want to! I will do anything to get him back!"

,, Mari... Thats a lot of power. No one survived that. Not even the strongest Ladybugs.''

,, You know that that wont stop me."

,, I know. Thats why I am worried."

,, Now we must go before something happens again."

I transformed. I couldnt even belive how fast I was. I just moved so fast. I didnt even notice that. Only thing that was on my mind was him. But it wasnt Luka whop was on my mind. It was a person that I thought that I knew. I didnt know how this happened and what shoud I feel, but I had very mixed feelings for him. I one moment I would hate him. In another moment I was trying to understand what made him this way. Probably me. Its all my fault.

I finally got there.

,, Ladybug!" Three of them said in union.

,, I will take it from here. Be close."

I got closer to Chat. I heard him crying. But I didnt feel the negative energy.

,, Ladybug..." Chat spoke. ,,Please, can you do one thing?"

,, What?" I said coldly.

,, Kill me now."

I didnt expect that. 

,,What are you talking about?"

,, I did so many bad things. Look around you. Whole city is destroyed and thats just because of me. I brought so much pain to everyone. I sworn to protect this city. I disappointed  my team. I disappointed my city. I disappointed you. And most importantly... I disappointed my loved one. She was always there for me. Even when I didnt want her to be. I sworn to protect her and I failed. I failed everyone. I failed Marinette. "

I wanted to cry. Did he really felt that? Or was this one of Hawkmoths tricks?

,, Even after all that..." I spoke ,, You are saviour of Paris. Everyone has their downs. I had my too. But let me help you. We can all figure this out together."

I stood up and he did the same.  I just looked at him. I loved him. I really did and I never stopped. I hugged him and he hugged me back. I started crying. As we pulled apart, my hands we still on his neck and were still on my waist.

,, I just cant ..."

,, What are you talking ab-"

,, I love you so much."

 I de-transformed. He was shoked as same for the team.

,, Mari...'' he said softly ,, I am sorry."

I kissed him. He was a little bit surprised but we leaned in and kept kissing. We melt in kiss. After we broke the kiss we were staring at each other. Again, whole team was staring.

,, Do you remember what akuma possesed?

,, Yes. My ring."

,, So that means... We will all turn ar-"

,,No." he said ,, Now is my turn"

He de-transformed after taking his ring off.

That was...

I cant belive...

,, Adrien?"

,,My Lady... Do what you must."

I throw his ring and shouted 

,,Miraculous Ladybug!"

Red light appeared and went throw whole city. Everything started to seem better. But one thing was missing. Luka. I worried so much that even Adrien noticed.

,, Its going to be okay. I promise." Adrien said  while holding my head.

Flashlight almost desappeared when suddenly it just came close to the spot where Luka died.

Oh thank God. This is happening.

Flashlight shined even brighter before it faded away.

Luka was there.

I rushed over to him and I held him and cried. But this time they were happy tears.

,, Marinette?"

,,Oh thank god that you are ok! I was so worried!"

He was just laying there on the ground with me holding him in my arms.

Adrien was happy and he approached Luka.

,, I am so sorry for what I did to you. I will never forgive myself. What can I do to make it up to you?''

,, You dont need to do anything. And its all cool. Really. No need to worry."

I could see that Adrien was happy, but there was something that he didnt like. But I couldnt think about that now. We took Luka to the hospital and they said that its nothing really special. 

Adrien walked me home and I told him to stay.

,, Aint your parents at home? You shoud ask them first."

,, No, they went to my uncle in Lyon. They wont be back till the end of the week."

,, Ok then"

As we went inside I had to ask him.

,, When Luka woke up, what was up with you? It looked like there was something bothering you."

,, Oh, its nothing!" He said while laughing nervously.

,, Adrien, please. You really didnt look good."

,, Ok fine. You and Luka seemed pretty close. That kinda... bothers me. I was just really... really-"

,, Jelous? Thats the word you are looking for?"

,, Well... Kinda of."

,, Oh Kitty. You can really be stubborn sometimes. Luka is one of my best friends. He will always be. But you..."

I took his hand in my.

,, You are everything to me. You are much more than a friend to me. You are my best friend."

,, WHAT TH-''


,, Why did you say that?!''

,, I was really pissed because you were friendzoning me since we met so I had to get my revenge."

,, Oh thank god. You know, I hate you sometimes."

He said playfully while he was holding my waist with his both hands. I wrapped my hands around his neck.

I kissed him. It became a very passionete kiss. I wanted it to stay like this forever.

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