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This will be the second generation. I will be describing their appearance and mortal parents. The reason I will be describing the appearance and not giving a picture is because I am way to lazy to look it up. The godly parents will be revealed later on. Well except Serena. She already knows who her godly parent is. Until they are though feel free to guess. Anyway this story will take place a year after the giant war and a few years after my own ending of Endgame.

Serena Stark

Parents: Tony Stark (Mortal parent) Athena (Godly Parent)

Weapon: Serena has a tattoo that can turn into three separate weapons: A dagger, A sword, and A scythe. She mainly uses the dagger though. That and Fire

Looks: Dark brown hair, light gray eyes, and tan skin

Age (At the moment): 16

Past: Ok now for the good stuff. When Serena was 6 her dad got extremely drunk and started acting violently. As a 6 year old she was obviously terrified and she ended up running away. On the streets she met Luke, Thalia, and Annabeth. The story was the same and she went home for the first time after Percy came to camp. She was there for the second Titan war and instead of 7 there were 8 half bloods
for the giant war. Her going home for the first time went a little like this:
Tony Stark was in the kitchen on the Avengers tower depressed. On that day 6 years ago his daughter ran away. He didn't remember anything about that night so he assumed that he was drunk.

"Tony you have got to stop beating yourself up about what happened." Clint told him

"It's my fault." He responded.

Clint was about to respond when they heard Natasha.

"Tony? There's someone at the door that wants to speak with you." She told him.

Tony nodded and stood up walking to the door. When he got there he saw a 12 year old girl. It had been so long he didn't even know that it was his daughter.

"Hey kid are you lost?" Tony asked

"Hi! Umm... I'm not sure if you remember me but 6 years ago you had a daughter." She told him.

Tony's eyes widened as he realized that he was looking at the daughter that ran away 6 years ago. his eyes teared up and he hugged his daughter.

"Where were you?" he asked her.

"You might want to sit down for this." She said putting on a nervous smile.

Let's just say the Avengers and their kids Faces were priceless when they found out that she was a demigod. Her dad still allowed her to go to camp half blood every summer since she loved it there so much and he simply couldn't keep the camp form her.

Caleb Stark

Parents: Tony Stark and Athena

Age: 17

Weapon: dagger and fire

Looks: Dark brown hair stormy gray eyes and tan skin

Caleb was also their with his sister through out the adventures but he wasn't part of the quest to stop gaea. He is usually a year rounder at camp half blood because him and his dad don't have the best relationship. That is until Serena eventually drags him back. But that was one time and it didn't go too well.

"Dad I told you I DON'T WANT TO TAKE THE COMPANY!" Caleb yelled at his dad who was drunk.

"WELL THEN MAYBE YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE COME BACK!!!" Tony yelled back at his 13 year old son

"What's going on?" Serena asked from the door way.

Caleb ran over to his sister and put her back into her room telling her that it's going to be ok. He turned back to his drunk father and the argument continued.

"YOU SWORE YOU WOULDN'T DRINK AGAIN DAD!" Caleb yelled only to get hit by his father

As soon as he did it though he sobered up and regretted it.

"Caleb-" he started reaching going to out a hand on his shoulder

Caleb grabbed it and got up holding his cheek.

"If you really don't want me home at least I have one at camp half blood." Caleb growled turning away

Tony grabbed his sons arm.

"Caleb please. I just got you and your sister back. I cant lose the two of you again." He whispered

"Well maybe you should have thought of that. I told Serena this was a bad idea." Caleb shot back pulling his arm free.

He left a note for Serena, packed a bag and left.

Rose Barnes

Parents: Bucky Barnes (Mortal parent) ??? (Godly Parent)


Weapons: hand gun

Looks: Brown hair brown eyes pale skin

Liberty Rogers

Parents: Steve rogers (Mortal parent) ??? (Godly Parent)

weapons: Sword and force fields

Age: 15 and a half

Looks: blonde hair, sky Blue eyes, and pale skin


Parents: Random mortal that I can't think of a name for and Loki (Godly parent)

Weapons: (butter) Knife

age: 16

looks: Raven hair, emerald eyes, pale skin.


Parents: Random mortal that I can't think of a name for and Thor (Godly parent)

Weapons: katana

age: 16

Looks: Blonde hair, electric blue eyes, and pale skin

Ailah Romanof

Parents: Natasha Romanof (Mortal parent) ??? (Godly Parent)

Weapons: Javelin and physical ability

Age: 16

Looks: Fiery red hair, Dark Brown eyes, pale skin

Jaime Barton

Parents: Clint Barton (Mortal parent) ??? (Godly Parent)

weapons: Bow and arrow

age: 17

Looks: Brown hair, silver eyes, pale skin

Aaron Banner

Parents: Bruce Banner (Mortal parent) ??? (Godly Parent)

Weapons: dagger

Age: 15

Looks: Brown hair with green stripe, one brown eye and one gray eye, pale skin

Avengers Second Generation/ Percy Jackson crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now