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(Quick A/N Not everything is going to be completely accurate to the actual cannon series. Oh and picture above is Serena. Kinda.)

"We've said it before director furry. We. Can. Not. Do. Anything. About. It." Ailah told him.

"Are you absolutely sure?" he asked us.

"Yes we are Director Furry. If we knew how to reverse it we would do it Director Furry. If we ever find out we will let you know Director Furry." Jaime told him, a bit irritated

The argument didn't look like it was going to end soon so I decided to leave the room. I walked through the halls of the helicarrier until I got to where the rest of  the group were.

"What's happening in there?" Nat asked

"Nothing good." I responded

"Is it going that bad?" Clint asked.

"I think they're going to fight Director Furry." I told them.

Clint and Natasha shared a look before jumping up and running to the room that their kids were in. The rest of us sat in silence before the couple dragged their children back into the room.

"I swear to god you kids are going to be the death of us!" Clint yelled at his son.

"Well I mean who do you think I get it from?" He transmitted to me

I tried my best to keep a straight face as I responded to him "Not only that but your extremely reckless and annoying."

"Hey!" He exclaimed

"What? Are you denying it?" I asked

"JAIME!!!! Are you even listening to me?!" He dad asked snapping his fingers in his sons face.

"Huh? Oh yeah!" He responded

Ailah laughed a bit at her brother's stupidity.

"Hey your not exactly off the hook either A." Natasha told her

She says that yet it's clear that she is also trying to suppress laughter.

"So I knew you were a demigod but I had no idea about the monsters after you." Liberty told me

"Eh it's fine. But camp starts in a month so I'll be safe and you guys will be out of danger." I told them

"You know I hate it when you leave." Jaime transmitted

"Really? Why?" I asked

"Because more often then not your going to have to go on some life threatening quest that's going to leave all of us wondering if your still alive. Remember what happened last time?" He asked me

"Your talking about the quest of the eight right?" I asked

"What else would I be talking about?" He asked

"JAIME!" His dad shouted

Jaime jumped as his dad shouted at him.

"Are. You. Paying. Attention?" He asked

"Not really." Jaime told his dad

"We're going home." Clint mumbled while grabbing Jaime's arm and dragging him out.

"What's your excuse?" Nat asked Ailah

"Oh he was just really starting to annoy me." Ailah responded

"Well at least your honest." Nat said throwing her arm around Ailah's shoulder and walking out.

"You ready to go back home kid?" My dad asked me.

I nodded and waved goodbye to the others. When we got back to the tower I went straight to my room and threw my bag down and went straight to bed. (If this ain't me...) It's been a long day.

Avengers Second Generation/ Percy Jackson crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now