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"Hey Stark you with me?" Someone asked snapping his fingers in my face

"What have I told you about calling me that Valdez?" I asked glaring at him

He grinned and said "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. Don't call you that because... Well you've never told me"

"I don't want any association with my father. That's all you need to know Leo." I responded looking away

"Oh your calling me by my first name you must be mad." He mumbled

"Sorry. Hey do you need any help with the Argo II?" I asked

"I thought you'd never ask!" He exclaimed grabbing my hand and pulling me towards bunker 9

About halfway there a certain son of Hades came out of the shadows.

"Where are you two flame heads going?" Nico asked

"Mr. Stark over here is gonna help me with the Argo II. You wanna help?" Leo asked

"Uh no. I'm not good with machinery. You know why right Caleb?" He asked

I nodded. His sister had died a few years back and he hasn't really been the same ever since. Sometimes I can still see the 10 year old boy who was obsessed with Mythomagic.

"It'll be ok Nico. You don't have to come. If you do though you don't have to go anywhere near the machines." I told him.

He nodded and tagged along with us. Once we got there Nico went to the far corner as me and Leo started to work on the Argo.

"Hey Caleb?" Nico asked

"Yeah?" I asked from where I was in the engine room.

"Why do you never go home?" He asked

I froze and hesitated before answering

"Yeah I was kind of curious myself. I mean isn't your dad Tony Stark?" Leo asked from the crows nest

"My dad and I don't have the best relationship. Whenever I'm home he gets drunk. And when I say drunk I mean so drunk he has no idea what happened the night before. The last time I was there my dad nearly strangled me to death. He said I was a mistake and that I should never had been born. I left thinking that it was the best thing for Serena. If I'm not there my dad wont get drunk." I explained.

"Oh damn." Leo said

"Didn't you go back after you found me and Bianca?" Nico asked

"Bianca and I Nico not me and Bianca." I corrected

"Your gonna correct me now?" He asked, appearing in the doorway of the engine room.

I jumped and turned around.

"Nico! Don't do that!" I exclaimed

He rolled his eyes and shut my door.

"There now Leo can't hear us. You wanna explain now?" He asked

"I already did." I responded

"Who were you talking to last night?" He asked

"My little sister. She convinced me to come back to Stark Tower after the summer's over." I told Nico turning back to getting the engine

"I can tell that you don't want to talk anymore huh?" He asked

I silently nodded.

"Sorry Neeks" I told him.

"It's fine. I completely understand. If you ask me though, at least you have a family to go back to. I talked to Serena myself last time she was here. Your dad really misses you. He regrets what you did and he wants to apologize to you but your never home so he doesn't have the chance yet." He told me

"What's your point?" I asked

"My point is that you have a family. Some of us don't. Go home. You may be trying to help you sister. and you are. Your not helping her emotionally though" He told me leaving the room.

When the door shut behind him my arms fell to my side and I looked down. Nico's right. I've been trying to protect Serena but I've been hurting her emotionally. I took a deep breath and left the engine room. I walked away and towards half-blood hill. I got to the top of the hill and sat down, pulling out a book and started to read for lack of anything else to do.

"You ok there?" A voice asked.

I turned around looked around. There was no one there.

"Up here idiot." The voice said again

I looked up and saw Connor Stoll.

"What are you doing up there?" I asked

"Just chilling. You?" He asked jumping down next to me, causing me to jump a bit.

"Thinking." I told him

"You Athena kids. Always thinking." He said scooting a bit closer

"Well at least I actually have a brain." I told him

He laughed

"What were you thinking about?" he asked me

"My dad..." I mumbled

"Again?" He asked

I nodded silently.

"You know maybe you should give him a second chance." he told me

"I've been trying for a long time Connor... a very long time." I responded

"This time give him one more." He told me getting up and walking away.

For once Connor's right.

Avengers Second Generation/ Percy Jackson crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now