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"Serena why is everyone staring at me like that?" I asked

"Jaime. Children of Artemis aren't supposed to exist. She is one of the eternal maidens. She can't have children." She told me

"Isn't Athena also an Eternal Maiden?" I asked her

Serena turned red and looked away.

"Athena didn't actually give birth to any of her children. They sprout out of her head- THAT'S NOT THE POINT!" Serena exclaimed

"Wait you and green hair were born out of a goddesses head?" I asked glancing at Aaron

"Shut up. Anyway the point is that you (She gestured to me) aren't supposed to be possible" She told me

I looked down.

"So basically I'm not supposed to be alive?" I asked

"Jaime that's not what I meant." Serena told me

"It's what it sounded like" I told her

"Sorry. I didn't- *Sigh* I don't mean any of that." She told me

"It's fine..." I mumbled

"The hunters of Artemis are going to have a field day with this." She mumbled

"Who?" I asked

"Think of the Valkyries but they have to swear off men. And their immortal." Stella told me.

"I don't know what either of those are." I told them

"After all the rants Serena, Lilly, and I have gone on you've picked up nothing?" Stella asked

"I don't think any of us have. Except maybe Aaron. The freaking nerd." I mumbled

"I am offended. How dare you use the word 'nerd' as an insult." Serena said touching her heart

"Well the two of you are nerds." Stella told her

"Yes. Yes we are. Thank you for using the word correctly." She said

"Anyway the Valkyries are an army of women. The hunters of Artemis are pretty much the same only they have to swear off all men-" Stella started

"Love." Serena corrected

"what?" She asked

"The hunters of Artemis have to swear off all love. not just men." Serena clarified

"Whatever the point is you should be paying attention- wait no that's not it." Stella mumbled

"The point is the Hunters are gonna be pissed." Serena told her

"Well we're going to find out haw mad they are pretty soon." Stella said, looking behind us

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Look." She responded pointing behind me

I turned around and saw a group of girls with two in front. One of them had silver eyes and dark brown hair that had a silver circlet in it around the age of twelve. The other looked about 18 had short spiky hair and electric blue eyes.

"Thalia!" Serena exclaimed when she saw the girl

"What's up little sis!" She said with a small salute

Serena's dad gave his daughter a look as Thalia walked over.

"She isn't a child of Athena. She's actually a daughter of Zeus. We met when Caleb and I ran away. She's like an older sister to me." Serena told him

"Thalia, Annabeth, and Luke were a better family then you'll ever be." Caleb added with as glare

"relatable." I heard Lilly mumble

Thalia came up and hugged Serena and Caleb.

"I missed you guys!" She said

"Great to see you too Thals." Serena told her

"And what about you Caleb? Still an angsty teen I see." Thalia said with a smile at Caleb

"I wouldn't say angsty." He mumbled

"I would say angsty. You must be their father. It's nice to meet you Mr. Stark." She said to their dad

"Well your happier then usual." Serena said

"Or more anxious. What's wrong?" Lilly asked

"Well I just found out that an eternal maiden had a child. I'm guessing that's you?" She asked, turning her attention to me

The other girl who was standing next to Thalia came up to us. Thalia saw her and bowed her head stepping aside.

"Hello again Artemis." Loki greeted

"Loki." She snapped with a glare

"Your Artemis?" I asked

Avengers Second Generation/ Percy Jackson crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now