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I was waiting in the office with Aaron. The principal wanted to question each of us individually and brought Ray in first.

"I-I am so s-sorry." Aaron stuttered

"For what?" I asked

"Dragging you into this situation... I-Its my fault. Y-your probably g-gonna g-get expelled. All b-because I couldn't f-fight back." He told me on the verge of tears

"Aaron. Its not your fault. Its rays. He was the one beating you up." I told him

He was about to respond when the secretary came up to us.

"We have contacted your parents and they should be here shortly. Jaime the principal wishes to speak to you as soon as ray leaves his office." She informed us as the doors burst open

Standing there were both of my parents and Aaron's dad.

"Jaime what happened?" My dad asked

I opened my mouth to explain but the office door opened. Ray walked over to me smirking.

"You are so getting expelled" he told me walking out

"Mr Barton and Mrs Romanov. Please step inside with your son." The principal told us

I took a shaker breath and walked in.

"What exactly is going on?" My dad asked

"Your son has been accused of starting a fight and beating up the young man sitting outside." She explained.

"WHAT?!" I exclaimed.

"So you deny it?" She asked

"Yeah because the wasn't me who did that!" I told her

"Mrs Cantrell. Should you look at security cameras for evidence of this?" My mom cut in

"They were in a place with no cameras." She told them

"So how can you just accuse him of something like this?" My dad asked

"Mr. Barton I'm sorry but is Aaron says something similar to what ray had told us I'm going to have no choice but to expel your son once the year is over." She told my dad

"Well then what are you waiting for? Go question him!" My mom yelled.

Mrs. Cantrell nodded and told me to go back to class. I walked out of the office and immediately got a bunch of transmissions.

"JAIME WHAT HAPPENED?!!!!" Serena screamed


"You guys are gonna make me deaf. Meet me in the gym and I'll explain." I told them

They agreed and we met up at the gym.

"WHAT. THE. FUCK. HAPPENED?" Serena said

I quickly explained everything to them leaving out the part about Aaron's powers.


"T-there's really n-n-no need f-for t-that." Someone stuttered from the other side of the gym.

"Aaron! Are you ok?" Serena asked rushing over to him

"Y-yeah I'm fine." He mumbled

"How did it go?" I asked him

"The evidence was against you. Th-they thought t-that I-I was just t-trying to protect you. Y-you'll be expelled at t-the end of the year s-since we only have a month left." He told me looking down.

"Well it was only a matter of time." I told him

All three of them were about to protest when me and Alex's parents came in.

"Is there anything else that that want to tell us that you couldn't talk about in there?" Mr Banner asked us

I read Aaron's mind without him knowing to see what else he was thinking.

"He tried to rape me but besides that it's fine." He thought.

But what came out of his mouth was "I found out that I have powers."

"WHAT?!" Everyone except me and Aaron yelled

"Y-yeah." He responded waving his hand and making a vine sprout out of the ground.

He seemed to have pretty good control over it but it suddenly flew over and started to choke me. Aaron tried to recall the plant but he couldn't. Lilly then ran over and froze and broke the vine. Aaron cried out in pain and stumbled back

"Aaron! Are you ok?!" His dad asked

"I-I think so..." he mumbled

"I'll have to make something to control that. Serena has your father ever have to make something to suppress your powers?" Mr banner asked

"Yeah. But we learned that gloves really help. That might just be for my telekinesis and fire though." She explained

"You kids better get to your classes. We don't want you to get in any trouble." My dad said.

We all nodded and left to go to our classes

"Aaron! Be carful." I told him as we split up

Avengers Second Generation/ Percy Jackson crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now