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I lead the others into the camp and Lilly, Stella, and Serena told me that they would show the others around. I nodded and we started to walk away from each other. I had only took a few steps away when someone grabbed my wrist. I flinched and turned around. My dad had his hand wrapped around my wrist.

"Caleb I am so sorry-"

I cut him off

"Your sorry?! You nearly strangle me to death, call me a mistake, and wished I wasn't your child and all you have to say is your sorry?!" I asked

"Caleb I was drunk." He told me

"Yeah! I know! Your always drunk when I'm around! Why do you think I haven't come home since I was 12?! Do you have any idea how many people I've had to lie to about the scars that you've caused over the years?! Your my father! Your supposed to protect your children not beat them every time your drunk!" I yelled

"Caleb please forgive me. I swear I can change. Please." He begged

"Don't make promises you can't keep for shit. If you really want forgiveness don't promise me anything. Prove to me that you will change." I told him, yanking my wrist away.

I walked off and towards the training area. I grabbed a sword and angrily swung at a dummy. I continued to swing at the dummy until I heard something behind me. Not thinking straight I swung it behind me but stopped right before it hit a girl's neck. Lilly didn't even flinch.

"I didn't know that dummy did anything to you." She stated simply

"Shut up." I told her lowering the sword

"Are you ok?" She asked

"yeah." I mumbled

"No your not. I can tell. Is this about your dad?" She asked taking the sword out of my hand.

"You heard it." I stated simply

"Oh I completely understand." Lilly said with a smile.

"you dad too huh? You know I was always wondered why you hate him." I told her

"You know what happened to my mother right?" She asked

"Yeah..." I trailed off

"The last thing she did was pray to my dad for help but he did nothing. Didn't even seem aware of her existence." She told me

"Your mom-... Your dad's the reason she..." I trailed off

"He could have done something. Anything. I was there. She was begging him to help her! HE DID NOTHING!" Lilly yelled, shooting ice towards the door, where her father just happened to be walking in.

Loki gave his daughter a shocked look from her and the ice.

"See you at dinner." she told me, shoving past her father.

"What did she tell you?" He asked

"Ask her yourself." I responded

Avengers Second Generation/ Percy Jackson crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now