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I walked beside Aaron with an arm protectively around his shoulder.

"liberty you don't have to do that you know." He mumbled, blushing embarrassed

I just smiled at him and glanced at Ray, who was glaring at us. I shot a glare right back at him.

"Excuse me may I speak to you kids for a moment?" The principal asked

We nodded and followed her into an empty room.

"Where's Serena, Lilly, and Stella?" Jaime asked

"I have no idea." I responded looking around.

"Oh you kids won't need to worry about them... no... its yourselves you should worry about." She said

Ms. Cantrell's voice turned demonic and she grew wings on her back and her skin turned into scales. The demon lunged at us and we all jumped out of the way. Jaime brought out his bow and shot at her only to have the arrows harmlessly bounce off her. She tried to attack him but I made a force field so he wouldn't be hurt. She clawed at the force field in vain. When she found out that she wouldn't be able to get to Jaime she turned her attention to me. She flew at me but was hit by a dagger before she could get to me. Our demon-teacher turned around and saw Lilly with her arm outstretched like she threw it.

"Leave. Them. Alone." She growled.

"Or what?" Mrs. Cantrell asked

"This!" Another voice exclaimed as the teacher was hit by a blast of lightning.


Ms. Cantrell let out a demonic screech as she was sliced in half by a sword and exploded into golden dust. Behind where she once was Serena was standing there with sword in hand.

"w-what th-the heck was t-that?" Aaron asked

Lilly, Stella, and Serena shared a nervous look as our parents walked in. Tony took one look at the dust in front of his daughter and realized what had just went down.

"We have to get them to camp."

Avengers Second Generation/ Percy Jackson crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now