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I shoved past my dad and walked towards the woods surrounding the camp. Someone grabbed my arm before I could go too far in. I looked up and saw my dad holding my arm. Just my luck.

"Lilly please talk to me." He asked

"And why should I?" I asked

"Why do you hate me?" My dad asked me.

I was done. I was so done.

"Did you know that mom died?" I asked

"I was aware yes." He responded


"Do you know the last thing she did before she was murdered?" I asked barely able to contain my anger.

"Yes." He told me

"YOU KNEW THIS WHOLE TIME?! You knew the last thing she did was pray to you for help?! She was begging for you to help her and You. Did. Nothing." I growled

"Lilly I couldn't do anything." He told me

"You couldn't do anything. You couldn't- Are you Sirius?! You could have done something... ANYTHING! DID YOU EVEN LOVE HER?!" I yelled

"YES! YES LILLY! I LOVED YOUR MOTHER MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE IN THE NINE REALMS! I WAS HEARTBROKEN WHEN SHE DIED! I WANTED TO SAVE HER BUT ODIN WOUDN'T LET ME! IT WAS ONLY AFTER SHE WAS DEAD THAT HE LET ME GO DOWN. you didn't hear her full prayer. she told me that if she didn't make it to protect you. I've been trying to do that but you won't even let me near you." He told me, tears falling from his eyes

"you really loved her?" I asked

"Of course I did. Your proof of that. How much did you know about your mother?" My dad asked me

"Not much. I was only 5 when she died and I got sent to camp when I was seven." I responded sitting on the grass.

"Your mother was an extraordinary woman. She was a demigod herself. A daughter of Hecate. That's what first attracted me to her." He started sitting next to me "Her powers might have been what attracted me to her but her kindness and understanding is what made me fall for her. You look exactly like her. With the exception of your eyes of course. Your mother had, strangely enough, had bright purple eyes."

"She sounded amazing." I whispered

"She was. She was powerful and that's what attracted the hellhound that killed her.
I wiped away tears that were falling from my eyes. Maybe my dad isn't so bad after all

Avengers Second Generation/ Percy Jackson crossoverजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें