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I caught Rose's arm as went to punch me and kicked her in the gut. Rose quickly recovered and judo flipped me and held a gun to my head as I hit the ground.

"ok, ok you win!" I exclaimed

Rose put the gun away and laughed a bit while helping me up.

"Syike!" I yelled flipping her onto her back.

"You bitch!" She yelled still laughing

"Did you really think I would give up that easily?" I teased helping her up

"Language Rose!" My dad exclaimed walking into the training room

"Sorry Uncle Steve!" Rose told him

Rose's dad simply laughed.

"Don't you kids have a field trip tomorrow?" He asked

"Oh right! Where is it again?" Rose asked

"some lame museum." I responded

"Metropolitan Museum" My dad corrected

"The Greek gods museum?" I asked

"Serena must be loving that." Rose said sarcastically.

"Well she is a demigod after all." My dad told us

"well I said one thing good about the gods and she went on a whole rant with it." Rose said

"Well after what she's been through can you really blame her?" I asked

"Who's even organizing this anyway?" Rose's dad asked

"I think it was the new English teacher.... What was his name again?" rose asked

"Mr. Brunner. I think. I swear I've heard his name before..." I mumbled trying to remember

"Didn't Serena mention it?" my dad asked

"I think..." Rose mumbled

"Anyway kids I think that's enough for today. Come on Rose." Her dad said waving her over

"Bye!" I called waving at her

"Ok kid time for bed." My dad said rubbing my back

I nodded and walked towards my room.

*Time Skip to school*

I walked into school tiered and not wanting to be there. Serena explained to me and the rest of the group what happened with Aaron last night and she was basically freaking out. Along with that Aaron was also on this call and he was holding a small leaf doll that he made and gave life. I was walking over to Rose when I saw Ray and his little gang picking on Aaron. Aaron was curled up on the ground hugging the doll.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" I yelled

"And what are you gonna do about it?" One of his friends asked.

"This!" I exclaimed Punching him in the gut.

He went to hit me back but his fist was stopped by Rose.

"Why are you defending this little freak?" Ray asked

"Because he's my friend." I growled

"I suggest you leave him alone. Now." A voice said from behind us

I turned around and saw a pissed off Lilly with glowing emerald eyes.

"Or what?" He asked

Lilly didn't even have to answer she simply took out her dagger. Ray took the hint and ran the other way.

"You ok there leaf boy?" Lilly asked

"Y-Yeah... T-thanks g-guys." He stuttered.

"No problem. Those guys really piss me off sometimes." Rose said

I held my hand out in front of Aaron and helped him up.

"Why were they bullying you this time?" I asked

"w-why do y-you t-think. He s-saw me use my p-powers and.... well y-you saw the result And this." He stuttered holding up his leaf doll.

It waved up at us and tried to jump out of his arms. Aaron struggled but eventually got it under control.

"Did you ever name the doll?" I asked

He nodded and said "Sadida."

"Aw that's so cute!" Rose exclaimed

Aaron pouted and held Sadida closer, which just summoned another round of 'awes'.

"Aaron why do you look like an adorable child?" Serena asked behind us.

"Rose called him adorable." I told her

"is she wrong?" Stella asked joining us.

"Where is the one other boy in this group!" Aaron whined

"Over here green hair." Jaime said scaring Aaron

"Oh my god he is adorable!" Ailah said

"Aren't our parents chaperoning today?" I asked

They all collectively groaned

"Hey Aaron I just realized something! You finally gained an ability in this group!" Lilly exclaimed

"what were your guys' powers again?" Aaron asked

"Force fields" I said

"Teleporting." Rose followed

"Just straight up magic." Lilly stated

"Lightning and all that good storm stuff" Stella told him

"I can bend and control moonlight" Jaime told him

"I can feel peoples emotions." His sister followed

"Telepathy, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, if I focus hard enough I can blow something up, and if intelligence counts then that too." Serena listed

"If Serena sat in solitude long enough I bet she could take down a mountain." Lilly said at the same time I said "Showoff"

"Let's get to the bus." Aaron mumbled

Avengers Second Generation/ Percy Jackson crossoverWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu