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"Ray please I am begging you don't tell him. I'll do anything please." I pleaded sitting up.

He looked down my body and a smirk appeared on his face.

"What did you tell him?" he asked, climbing on top of me.

I shifted weight onto my elbows and tried to lean away from him.

"I only explained what the death sleep was." I told him

Ray dragged his hand down my cheek, leaving a trail of frost in it's path. I shivered under the cold and tried to move away, but he shoved me down.

"Ah, ah, ah... You said you'd do anything~" He told me.

Ray leaned down and bit my neck. When he was done leaving hicky's all over my neck, he forced me into a kiss. Eventually he let me go and sat up.

"Let's have some fun." He said with a smirk

*time skip*

"Where have the two of you been?" Lord Kronos asked us

"A few soldiers we're having second thoughts. We were just making sure they knew their place, my lord" Ray said

"Well it seems that I forgot to put you back under my control. Ray, you know what to do." he told us.

I tried to back away but Ray shoved me down and held me there as Kronos stalked over. I struggled under his grip as Kronos pushed down on my head. I screamed as pain ran through out my body. I tried my best to fight off the mind control but I could feel my control leaving me and my eyes change to gold.

"That's much better." Kronos said, standing up

Ray let go of me and allowed me to stand up before backing away as far as he could. Yeah damn right he should be scared of me.

"What do you need of me lord Kronos?" I asked in a hypnotized state.

"There's our little obedient pet." He said walking up to me.

I stayed silent and glanced down.

"is there any way to control someone under the death sleep?" Kronos asked

"No. The person has to be awake to put them under your control master." I told him

He growled and backhanded me. I yelped and fell to the ground. I struggled to my feet and waited for a moment before speaking.

"Who were you planning to control?" I asked

"Serena Stark."

Aaron's sister? Aaron's sister.

"Why her?" I asked

"She had quite the connection with Luke. If I had her under my control I could keep him in check." Kronos said.

"Is it also because she has your scythe?" Ray asked

Kronos glared at him and he quickly looked down.

"Yes Ray. That little brat has my scythe and I will get it back. Athena's daughter is just a fun little bonus." He said

"Don't talk about her like that." I snapped, my eyes flashing violet.

A grin appeared on Ray's face as Kronos made his way over to me. Even under the mind control and in my psychopathic state I knew to shrink back in fear. He grabbed me by that neck and lifted me up. I tried to gasp for breath and struggled in my grip.

"If you weren't so useful I would kill you right now." He growled before dropping me.

I hacked as my throat recovered and my eyes turned back to the golden color.

"Now. I want you to destroy the cure to the death sleep. All we need is one sample. Only one to wake Serena." I told him

"Of course lord Kronos." I said obediently

"oh and Ray is coming with you. Just in case." He added

I nodded and Ray dragged my wrist to pull me away.

Avengers Second Generation/ Percy Jackson crossoverحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن