Yeah I Did It...So What

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Terrence didn't know what to say as he sat and listened to JJ try to reason with him. He was too hot for words. He didn't want to hear none of that shit he was talking, he wanted to hear why she took off without him. In his car on top of that.

"T chill man." JJ spoke over the phone, Terrence scowled.

"Fuck all that shit. Where she at?" He snapped, Taraji busted out her room in a full argurmemt with Tracie.

"I. Don't. Care." Taraji snapped trying to get away from the nagging. Terrence grew angrier hearing her voice.

"Taraji, get cho ass on this phone!!!" He roared, it was so loud JJ pulled his ear away from the phone. Taraji heard it loud and clear, her blood boiled. Stomping to JJ she snatched the phone.

"What?" She barked.

"Girl, what the hell is wrong with you?!!" He roared making her move the phone away.

"What the hell is wrong with me? I'll tell you. You're what's wrong with me!! I stole your car Terry! And what? Find yo ass a way home." She ranted.

"Come fucking get me Taraji!" He demanded.

"Fuck you!" She spat then hung up, JJ and Tracie watched in shock. Taraji huffed spinning on her heels, she swiped her keys off the table and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" Tracie called out, Taraji pulled on her sneakers.

"To go get my shit. I'm done!" She spat with a tremble in her voice, before Tracie could object she had already went out the door.


"Yooooooo, Chill Terrence! Damn nigga!" Rashad yelled holding on to the dashboard of his car for dear life. Terrence was pushing 80 in a 60. He was so heated he sped right through town and was already on the highway.

"If I wanted to kill you, we'd be dead already!" Terrence snapped, Rashad gulped as Terrence swerved around another car. If they didn't make it there one of two things happened. They were dead, or going to jail.

"Can't believe this shit....." He continued, his face reddening. Rashad noticed the speed rising.

"After all I've done...After all we've done together...She wants to be on some fuck shit!" He roared, looking over at Rashad who had sunk back in his seat in fear. One thing his friend was noticing is that the angrier he became....the faster they went.

"I hear you man....TERRENCE LOOK AT THE ROAD." Rashad yelled, Terrence looked up in time to swerve around the car with ease. As if he didn't register they almost crashed. The car was pushing 90 now.

"We just promised to do better!....Im not doing this no more, I'm done!" Terrence heartedly stated, pushing 95.

"....Oh Fuck I think I'm gonna puke!" Rashad groaned as they swerved around a car that honked at them.

"I'm not ready to die!.....I got bitches to fuck and money to make....Terrence slow down man!" Rashad cried out, Terrence glanced at his friend.

"Nigga are you crying?" He asked with a smirk, Rashad wiped at his face.

Terrence glanced back at the road, he took into account how the world around him was a blur. As he glanced down at the speed a siren sounded out behind them. He cursed easing off the gas, and easing down on the brake. Pushing down a little too hard, the car jolted to a stop sending Rashad forward only to be choked by the seat belt.

His eyes were squeezed shut as if he were waiting for an impact. Terrence cursed resting his head on the steering wheel. Looking behind him he saw the cop get out his car. Looking at his friend who was aggressively patting himself just to make sure he was all together.

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