Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I wake up to the sound Stepheniqua snoring. Damn that girl can really snore.I twerk my way outta bed, and fix my weave, because my weave ain’t as cute. I make myself look presentable, and real hot, and make my way out of the room. I wanna wake Stepheniqua up, but she looks so cute sleeping, almost like that disney queen, snow white, or some shit. I knock on Harryliantwan’s door open, but he ain't there.

“Sha’Niall?” I scream, hoping to hear that little shits voice. There are 2 people sleeping on the couch. The floor is clean, and when I reach the kitchen I try to make the room dirty, so I drop a couple of cups on the floor, and pour myself some vodka. This party was literally the lamest. I expected to get laid, and to have woken up with twenty people on the floor. I would love to see this place dirty. Fuck. As I start to drink my vodka I hear a child giggle.

“What’s so funny seaweed?” I turn around and of course Harryliantwan is on his phone playing shit with one hand, and sweeping nothing with the other.

“I got a score of three on flappy bird.” He laughs.He must be the only one awake at this hour on his little shit phone, playing flappy dick. “Does Sha’Niall live here? Yo’ ass way too childish for me.” I say.

“Fuck you. I almost got 4 on flappy bird.” he shouts. “Does he fucking look like he twerks into a fraternity?”

“Well then bitch, I was just asking, you don’t gotta get yo’ panties up yo’ ass.” I shout. I roll my eyes and twerk out of the kitchen. Harryliantwan is a hoe. I go upstairs and kick Stepheniqua so she could wake her ass up. 

“Theres a bus stop around the block,” she says to me, I laugh.

“No way, we are not taking the bus, some bitch around here will drive us back.” I say hitting her on the back of her head.

“Yeah bitches, I’ll drive yo’ asses.” Harryliantwan says. I wonder how long he could twerk for, and I also check out his booty.

During the drive back to the dorms Stepheniqua sleeps, and I twerk along to every song that plays through the speakers. Harryliantwan stays silent the whole way, and twerks a little in his seat.

“I’ll twerk my way in later Stepheniqua,” he says, as she twerks out of the passenger seat. She nods.

“Bye Theresandra,” he smirks, and I flick him off.

The rest of the weekend goes by so slow, cause these bitches don’t party. I made sure to make a trip to the liquor store Sunday. I have decided that I am no longer going to let Stepheniqua pick out what she twerks in at parties, cause that is the reason she did not get laid, and Mitt didn’t even show up. 

It is now Monday fucking morning, and I am so fucking done, because I have to start whatever the fuck I am here for. I woke extra late, to make sure I could take a shower with all the hot ghetto boys. I plan on leaving whenever I wanna, cause no one can tell me what to do. Stepheniqua’s alarm went off too early, and she left already, what the actual fuck. She is too into this college shit. 

When I twerk into my fisherman history class the room is full, and everyone is eyeballing me. Dah fuck ya’ll want?

I chose to sit next to this kid in the back of the class room, because he looks like he is ghetto, but I may be wrong, cause he got nerdy shit.

“Am I late bitch?” I ask him, and he frowns at me.

“Please do not use foul language, and yes.” he says sternly. I chose to sit next to a nerd, Oh fuck.

“I’m Tessandra Ty’shae, and don’t tell me what to do.” I say and give him a fierce look.

“Hi, I am Liam Payne,” he says calmly. We spent the rest of the time in class talking about how different we were. He loves school, and I hate it. He has a girlfriend named Danielle, and I have a boyfriend named Nowaqua. I am so happy I sat next to him, because this normal kid let me copy his notes.

As the day fiercely went buy, I strut to my Literature class, and make a grand entrance in. Thank sweet baby jesus, it is my last class, and I can twerk for the rest of the day. Liam waves at me, and I pretend I don’t know him, and twerk my way down next to him. “Hi. hehe” Liam says.

The hoe professor begins the class, and hands us paper, and tells the class about himself.

“I don’t wanna know about you hoe.” I scream at the top of my lungs. The hoe just chooses to ignore me, and Liam tries to calm my ass down.

Right in the middle of the class, Harryliantwan comes in, and I puke a little, and Liam giggles. Stop giggling Liam, your not a cupcake.

“You know Harryliantwan?” He ask. Harryliantwan must have a fierce reputation around campus.

“Yasss, he kicked me outta his room once!” I scream. Harryliantwan’s eyes lock to my ass, and I worry I got something on it. I honestly don’t care if I do. “Do you know him?” I ask Liam.

“Yea, he’s my….” he stops talking what is it with this college, like finish yo’ sentence, hoes. I am done right now, Harryliantwan staring at my ass, and this Liam character being normal. I need a shot.

“That is all for today, I will see you all Wednesday,” Professor Hilltardo says.

“I think this will be my favorite class” Liam says too me with a cupcake giggle. Stop Liam, I am hungry, and I am not afraid to eat you. He seems frightened, and runs away.

“What does yo’ ass want Harryliantwan?” I ask, giving him a taste of my nasty attitude.

“Nothing, I was wondering if I could use your credit card, I need some coins on temple run.. haha..” He says, and runs his hands through his mop, shaking his ass. 

“No bitch.” I say and walk away.

“Yo’ ass found the lamest kid in class to be friends with.” he smirks.

“Aye, yo’ hoe, don’t make fun of Li Li, he my main bitch, we hoes, and I like his nerdy ass, leave him alone, before I whip you.” I say harshly.

“Your becoming a nerd.” he says.

“No bitch I ain’t." I hit him in the head with a book, and leave him there to rest.

Tip #4: Don’t call Queen Tessandra’s ass a nerd, or you’ll get hit.

I am sorry if I am offending any of you, All rights to Anna

 Follow dah twitter becuz you know ily @ghettoafter

I made this extra long cuz Ily.

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