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☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:✧  apricity  ✧.: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ☾

"Wake up, Ellie!"

The girl's eyes shot open in fright. "What? Who? When? Where? Why?" she gabbled, looking around. She expected to see her family waking her up angrily to remind her that she didn't wake up early and didn't do the housework. Even so, the face in front of her wasn't an older woman's. It was the friendly and adorable face of Lucy Pevensie, which reminded her that she wasn't in New York anymore and Narnia wasn't a dream.

"Good morning!" the young girl grinned.

Ellie had never been a morning person. She was a little grumpy and refused to talk to people until she had fully woken up. So, as a response, she simply groaned displeasedly with a grimace.

Lucy giggled. "Rise and shine! Mrs Beaver packed us something to eat for breakfast, we will need the energy."

Ellie frowned and sat up with a sigh. She didn't even realise that she hadn't eaten for more than a day. She wasn't even starving. After all, she was used to the little amount of nourishment.

Peter turned to her and reached out to pull her to her feet. "We should get going. The sun has been up for long enough," he said.

After they had eaten, the four humans and the beaver couple set off to start the journey of rescuing the younger Pevensie brother and the faun friend. As they walked, Ellie couldn't help but gawp as she watched her surroundings. Narnia was breathtaking. The sun shone through the icicles, the brightness of the snow brought out everything around them, including themselves. When the three Pevensie siblings looked at her because of a question she asked, she was amazed at how their eyes sparkled. Before that, she hadn't even acknowledged that all three of them were gifted with beautiful light-coloured eyes. She was disappointed when she couldn't recall what colour the fourth sibling's eyes had.

"Come on, hurry up!" The voice of the male beaver snapped her out of her staring. She noticed that Peter was getting more and more annoyed, due to the fact that Mr Beaver hurried them once in about ten minutes, and they had been walking for more than an hour by then.

"Hey, Lucy," Ellie turned slightly to the little girl, continuing walking with her hands in the pocket of the coat she got from Peter the day before. "Do you want me to tell you a secret?"

Lucy's eyes lit up for a second but then she looked at the taller one suspiciously. "Isn't a secret supposed to be something only one person know about?" she asked.

Ellie rolled her eyes, folding her arms. "Do you want to hear it or not?"

"Yes, yes, tell me!" Lucy exclaimed, bringing the others' attention to her. "I want to hear it," she continued in a quieter voice.

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