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☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:✧ a glimmer of hope ✧.: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ☾
Ellie was walking back and forth in front of the Great Lion's tent, collecting her thoughts. It was noticeable that she was shaking and sweating due to frustration.
"You can come in, child." A deep voice from the tent made her jump a little.
She exhaled slowly and entered the tent. Aslan was sitting on top of his bed, watching her enter with a small smile. She looked around, observing the tent from inside. It was so simple, yet she felt that it belonged to someone mighty. "How did you know I was here?" Ellie asked as she connected her eyes with the Lion's.
"I knew," he answered briefly. "What do you wish to talk about?" he looked beside him for a moment then back at her.
Ellie sighed and sat down next to him. "Something's not right," she declared, and Aslan could hear the worry in her voice.
He remained calm as he asked, "what makes you think that?"
"I can feel it. Desesperación. I mean, desperation," she quickly corrected herself. "Sorry, a lapse of the tongue," she mumbled.
"It is okay, child. You shouldn't be ashamed of your true identity. You were born as a Spanish. Don't try to act otherwise."
Ellie tried to hide her surprised face. She was bewildered from the fact that he knew things about her nobody in Narnia did. The fact that he knew things about her world, even though he didn't belong there. "Nobody knows here that I am Spanish," she shook her head slightly. She was determined to keep it that way.
It was like Aslan had read her mind when he asked, "and why would you try to hide it?"
"I am not sure," she bit her lip nervously then cleared her throat to think of another conversation which wouldn't include her origin. "You offered your own blood to save Edmund, didn't you?" Her voice came out as a quiet whisper. She was almost sure of the answer but was afraid to hear it from the Lion's mouth. She was thinking about it all day, but a light spark of hope inside her was praying she was wrong.
Aslan nodded with an unnoticeable proud smile. "You really have a brain. I am glad I chose you."
Ellie frowned. He didn't seem sad about his fate as much as she was. "But-but you can't do it! How will we win this war? We need you. The Narnians need you, you are their King," she slightly raised her voice but lowered her tone after a look the Lion sent her to soothe her.
Ellie wanted to change his mind. She didn't want him to sacrifice himself. However, the situation seemed unchangeable. "They have you by their side," he told her.
She was shaking her head, and tears began forming in her eyes. "No, no, you overvalue me. I am nothing but a girl with a few beneficial attributions. The Narnians, they-they don't trust me."