His secret he'll keep - 26

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After another hour people started getting up but it was a resting day so some worked while others enjoyed their day off. Bakugou himself was one of few to actually work but it was bakugou katsuki, what did you expected?

When he got up he saw an empty space in front of him, sighing the boy stood, got dressed and left to find kirishima, wanting him to rest a little more. When he asked around people said they hadn't known where the odd haired boy was. Now worry started rushing through him but he wore a poker face and thanked them. Walking off he looked for him then tried not thinking about him 'Katsuki, he's not five he could take care of himself' then went to Shoji, wondering if he would work on the village with him. The teen agreed, then started packing thing they'd need for the day.

At the village

It was more newer then any nearby, bakugou had put a lot of work into it but after that storm it needed to be taken care of again. It wasn't to bad, just a few cracks here and there so it would be easy to fix.

And it was far from the monitions but not to far you couldn't see them, for some reason- even if he hated them to the deepest part of his heart, Katsuki couldn't live without those devils in his life. He hoped they'd come again, wished for it even. Bakugou couldn't help but see beauty in them, the monsters that killed his parents and half of his village, people he cared for. They caused Kirishimas suffering. He hated himself for loving them. But that was his secret, and he'll be keeping it to himself. That wasn't a bad thing, right?

After a few hours shoji and bakugou did what they could, and to them it was finished, finally done! After years their new home was liveable. Getting their things pack they headed back, going to tell the news. Great no more tents.

I wanted to post a kinda short chapter, and I'm sorry I've been gone but this might be one of the more...happier pages from now on, I've got a plan! So wait for the next pages~ btw I might end this in the 30s probably but idk yet.

My dragon /kiribaku/tetsukami/Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat