Chapter 19 - "Love Anonymous [B]"

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"Happy Birthday Aditi. Keep smiling."

She saw their picture behind the text. AdiZa picture.. He wished her. He did. Wow.

She smiled, her hundred volt charming smile. She was sure her day was going to be the best. Best without him? How could it be? Tears cascaded down her eyes. She had to forget him. She will.

Her chain of thoughts broke the time she heard a loud knock on the door. Mouthing a small 'come in' she wiped her tears with the back of her hand.

As soon as she got up from the bed, she was greeted by loud "Happy Birthdays," by none other than her amazing cousins and family. They surprised her and kept on surprising her all the day. She wished they had planned a surprise which had Zain here, in front of her. But no, even if they would ever do that, she wouldn't let that happen.

The day went on good. She enjoyed herself, thinking it was her day. She didn't have to be sad at all. Zain would eventually forget her of course. He had no other chance. After all, she never meant much to him. Even if he said that she did, she couldn't believe it. Though now she thinks that she is beautiful, that would not change the fact that she is nothing in front of the beauty that his other co actors have been. He could have a lot of other girls. She wasn't going to go back to him.

She reminisced every amazing moment spent with him. He will always be there in her heart, no matter what. He will be.



She walked through the hallway, clad in a gorgeous full length black gown, with the slightest pinch of makeover. It was the engagement party of her cousin at a grand lavish hotel. She wanted not to attend, but she had to. She couldn't make a good excuse.

She crossed a mirror beside her, and she stopped. Looking at herself from top to bottom, she finally realized that she was beautiful in and out. But then her mind told her that may be it was the magic of make up.

She was stuck in her reverie when a tap on her shoulder forced her to turn around. A waiter stood there, with a tray of juices in his hand. She lifted her hand up to pick up the glass but the waiter stopped her.

"Ma'am, you are ordered to pick this up." The waiter told her kindly, pointing towards a paper lying near her feet. Saying so, he went.

The gown covered it a bit. She bent down to pick the paper up, when someone in a blue hoodie picked it up for her. She straightened herself up and looked over to the man. His face was invisible because of the hoodie and more because of the mask that we had worn. She couldn't even concentrate on his eyes as he spared a quick glance at her, handed over the paper to her and ran away.

She tried to stop him when she read "Love Anonymous" on the back of his hoodie. She could see it as his retreating figure was still visible to her. Her senses came to an abrupt stop. Okay, so he was the one who had wished her on her birthday, the one who sent that bunch of roses and that chit which made her believe in beauty.

Her heart raced. All she could do was sniff back the tears that had formed in her eyes.

Well, she picked up the paper that she had almost forgotten. She read, "I hope you know that you deserve it all. The best, the most honest, the most beautiful, the purest love in the world. Not to be loved by others only, but to be loved by yourself. To look in the mirror and say 'Yes I am exactly who I want to be.' To speak up and be proud of yourself. To be brave and open. You deserve the nicest and most caring people to walk into your life. You deserve it all. The whole world. And you should not forget that." ~Love Anonymous

To be honest, she was taken aback. Looking into the mirror, she tried, "Aditi. You are who you want to be."

A smile made its way to her lips and she held the paper close to her heart. She didn't know who was doing these magics to her but she'll find it out.


A short update, Bear with it please. I am hell busy with studies these days so late updates will be there.

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