Jonah Marais-Request For Kelly

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  This is for @edits_Mendes  


To say I was stressed was a complete understatement from studying for tests, writing reports and worksheets for homework to then attending to my part-time job which was something I hated, but I needed the cash I didn't want to ask my family for their money I needed to make my own money and stand on my own two feet. 

I walked in my front door my backpack slipping off my back and in my arms with no replies to my family's welcome home and how was your day questions, I headed upstairs to my bedroom and locked my door. 

I could feel it coming, my heart was beating, my hands were shaky and I felt nothing, but sadness today. I could feel the tears blurring my vision slightly as I stare at all the work the tears rolling down my face. I couldn't cope with all the stress it always got way too much. 

I sighed pushing my backpack on the floor and walking to my closet grabbing some comfy clothes and walking to the bathroom turning on the shower and undressing stepping into the warm water, feeling my body relax. 

Jonah was at the studio singing and recording songs with the boys, but he noticed there was something not quite right. You haven't been messaging him today usually you text him when you wake up, at lunch and afterschool then when you get home you usually video chat unless he was free then he'd come over and spend time with you. 

"Everything okay?" Zach looked over at Jonah raising his eyebrow slightly noticing the confused boy as they took a fifteen minute break.

"Yeah just a little worried, Kelly hasn't exactly been herself today. I remember last night we both were on video chat together talking and she told me that School was getting bad and work was getting too much, but nothing else was said" Jonah explained to the boys biting his bottom lip.

Jonah grabbed his phone and pulled up his messages knowing that you would be home from school by now.


Jonah💖: Hey baby girl I know that something is bothering you because you have been quiet all day. I just hope everything is okay and that if you need me I'm right here beside you.


I took a long steamed shower making sure I was relaxed before getting out, changing into my clothes and drying my hair. I tied my hair into a messy bun and walked into my bedroom grabbing my phone when I noticed the text from Jonah. 

I felt guilty for not messaging him it wasn't my intentions I was just so busy with school that I didn't have a chance to send any messages. I was studying all through lunch and woke up late this morning.


Jonah💖: Hey baby girl I know that something is bothering you because you have been quiet all day. I just hope everything is okay and that if you need me I'm right here beside you💕💕

Kelly: Hey baby I'm so sorry I haven't messaged you today, everything has been very stressful I have over three projects, 6 homework sheets and I still have to study for two tests for next week. Plus work wanted me to work extras this weekend. I've just been finding things difficult. I didn't mean to push you away I've been so busy😭😔

Jonah💖: Oh baby girl its okay you don't have to apologise. Listen to me okay! you're a strong amazing person who's got great knowledge, you'll ace the tests, you'll have all the homework sheets done and you'll have the three projects done to perfection! 

Jonah💖: Remember I'm always here if you need help I'm a phone call away. Corbyn is smart he can tutor you and help you through exams. How about you go make yourself a hot drink, go to a quiet place in the house and start off with the small pieces of work and then slowly make your way up through the list. 

Jonah💖: As for working just take it easy decline the extra hours this weekend and say you've got a test. they'll understand. You can make up the hours after you finish school. I love you so much Kelly remember that okay! I'm going to help you through your stress after work and after you've finished studying for the day I'm coming to pick you up when you're staying over with me where we'll watch movies and we're going to cuddle for the whole night. I drive you into school tomorrow💕💕 

Kelly: Thank you, Jonah, for everything! you really do give out good advice and honestly being in your arms is exactly what I need. I love you more Jonah more than words ever describe.💕💕 


The rest of the day you spent slowly bit by bit getting through all your work taking little breaks in between to just refresh yourself. It took you most of the afternoon, but you had managed to get everything done in time and you ended up spending the whole evening with the boys and Jonah eating pizza, watching movies and just talking in general. Corbyn agreed to help you with studying for the big test.

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