Jorbyn-My Athlete

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Corbyn's POV

Today would have marked me tutoring Jonah for six months at school he was this strong tall athlete that hardly shown emotion, but outside of school and in the comfort of his own home his this kind, genuine guy who isn't afraid to say what he's thinking. 

Of course where we spend so much time together working on homework, or me helping him with anything he doesn't understand, his baseball team teases him that he has this crush on me and as much as I wish it would happen I know it wouldn't. 

He always says in front of his friends at school at that he'd never have a crush on me that all I am is a nerd who helps him, but every single time we're together at his place or mine he'll apologize to me and beg for me to forgive him. I just don't know how much longer I can take pretending to act like Jonah means nothing to me when I'm completely in love with him and he just turns around and hurts me almost every single day. 

I walk outside the bitter cold sending goosebumps across my skin as I make my way to the top of the bleachers about to watch Jonah's baseball game. It was sworn with girls who had crushes on the team members, sworn with proud parents cheering of them and the cheerleaders singing little rhymes to keep warm.

I tucked the jacket closer to my skin keeping my books close to my chest for extra warmth as I watch the boys run onto the field. I wasn't the cheering type, I stay seated looking at the team trying to get some kind of understanding of how baseball properly works. I'm good at most things like Math, English, Science, Spanish and I even know a few tricks or more when it came to football. However with Baseball I had very minimal knowledge on it. 

The boys were winning by three to one, scoring home runs and doubles which was pretty incredible. Jonah was like lightening when it came to running, one minute he's swinging the bat the next he's sliding across the fourth post. He truly was great at what he does I've never seen someone play so well. 

I watched as Jonah swung the bat sprinting across the field before someone from the other team tried tackling him on the last post. 

I stood up looking over noticing that Jonah wasn't moving, I rushed off the bleachers running onto the pitch faster than I've ever ran before. I had to know! I just had to know if he was okay, I don't care what people had to say. 

"Jonah" I breathed looking at the male who was on the floor with a paramedic and the coach, his own team too bothered about the game to even come over to check if he's okay. "Whats happened?" I ask looking at the paramedic. 

"He's broken his ankle, we'll have to radio in the ambulance service" the taller male looked at me grabbed his radio. 

"No they'll take too long, they'll be like an hour" I say before staring down at Jonah "I'll take him myself, I can get there faster than the ambulance, his parents are out of town however I can contact them" I explain looking between he coach and school's paramedic.

With a few arguments I managed to get Jonah into the car with the help of his best friend. I knew that people were confused with my actions, but I just wanted him to be okay. 

"You were so fast" Jonah looked at me groaning in pain. "How did you make it to the field so fast?".

"I ran" I chuckled a little "as soon as I noticed you weren't moving I had to make sure you were alright, but don't worry I know it hurts, but I can get you to the hospital and I'll contact your parents I promise".

"Thank you Corbyn! I don't think I've seen someone act so fast" Jonah smiled at me, but this wasn't fake like he usually does. This smile was genuine. 

Once we got to the hospital I let the doctor and nurses take him into a room for examination and I stayed in the waiting room calling his mom. 


Jonah's POV

They cleaned up any cuts I had and let them put a cast on my leg, I waited for my mom to come and see me. They said she wasn't going to be long however all I could think about was Corbyn and how amazing was tonight. 

I want to why. Why did he want me to be okay? why did he rush over as soon as I fell? why did he care so about me when I've been nothing, but horrible towards him? he's been so amazing yet I've been the worst person I could be. 

"Oh my god I'm so sorry" my mother interrupted my thoughts as she rushed to my side planting a few kisses "we should have been at the game in case". 

"Its fine mom you only away for two days" I look at her with a smile "besides Corbyn was really good tonight you've got nothing to worry about". 

"I know he told me everything" my mom smiled at me "you know you're lucky that you have him, he really does care about you".

I nodded my head thinking back on all the times he'd come to mine with snacks, or if I was mad how he'd always find ways to calm me down. Or he'd get confused when I'd say something completely stupid. I could feel the smile coming onto my face just at the imagination of Corbyn's confused adorable face. 

"Could you bring him in mom?" I look a her with a smile

"Yeah of course, I'll go get you some dinner" my mom planted another kiss to my forehead before leaving. 

I looked up at the ceiling thinking about every memory me and Corbyn have made, how amazing he is at photography, how smart he is and how great he could sing. Or how many pranks I pulled on him just to hear his laugh. 

Corbyn's POV

"Jonah wants to see you, I'll be back I'm just grabbing Jonah some dinner, what do you want Corbyn I'm getting you something too" Carrie asks me with a smile.

"Thats okay I don't wanna intrude and have you waste your money on me" I look at her.

"Nonsense you did amazing tonight making sure Jonah was safe, its my treat. I'm gonna grab Pizza" she smiles. 

"Can I have cheese please, thank you" I smile at her before going to Jonah's room knocking on the door. "Your mom said you wanted to see me".

Jonah's POV

I nodded my head pointing towards the chair beside my bed "I just wanted to ask you a few things because I'm confused". 

"What about?" Corbyn took a seat looking at me raising an eyebrow. 

"Tonight Why did you want me to be okay? why did you rush over as soon as I fell? Lastly why do you care so about me when I've been nothing, but horrible towards you" I asked though the questions came out more as an interrogation. 

"I wanted to make sure that you were okay because your teammates didn't seem to care, I rushed over so that if you were hurt I could act quickly and the answer to your last question is I care about you Jonah more than you'll ever imagine! You're the only one who gets me, everyone else just uses me and calls me names, but I have never felt more normal around you than I have my whole school life" Corbyn looks at me with those gorgeous beady green eyes that were glossy. God he was so damn cute! 

"You make me fee alive, when I'm around you its like breathing fresh air because you're so different to everyone. Sure you put up your walls at school, but at home you're this amazing guy who shouldn't have to hide. Like when you're happy you start grinning like a child on Christmas, when your mad you curl your knuckles up into fist and dig your nails into the palm of your hand. Or when your sad you go mute and you have this sad lost look in your eyes. I notice because you've let me notice them and I know how to approach you. Jesus what I'm trying to say is I love you Jonah Marais" his voice was soft, but I could hear the small crack. 

I led there in shock hearing him say those 8 letter. I looked at him "come here" I whisper opening my arms out, it was the only thing I could move properly. 

As soon as the small blonde was in my arms I leaned down kissing him deeply and lovingly feeling nothing, but sparks. "I love you too Corbyn" I whisper looking into his eyes.

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