It's been a while

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It's been six years since you technically left to group, and what a time it's been. You watched Yugo and Dally's fight with Forest and left soon after, deciding it'd be best to just leave a note for Yugo to read.

You've become an infobroker and, as the job implies, been selling info to those of all ranks. Shoot, even prince Armand bought some information from you once.

You did this all under a concealed identity of course, wouldn't want Yugo finding out that you were still around. Yugo actually buys information from you all the time, most of it is about food and you, but it's nice to talk to him.

You worked from a bar in a rugged village, you actually built and owned the bar too! You were a bartender part time and a infobroker full time, it pays well too!

But that's besides the point, you had just received a letter if summoning from the king of Sadida. It seemed rather urgent if the bed ridden king would write you a letter by hand and request your appearance.

"Hey Flint, mind watching over the shop for a while?"

You didn't give her time to answer before throwing the keys to the bar at her. Her expression was priceless but you didn't have time to enjoy it, you had to get to the Sadida kingdom as soon as possible.

"O caelum et terram, mea est misit me ad envision."

It was a rather simple chant that advanced Eliatrope mages would use for quick transportation, sadly it takes a lot of mental strength to do. If you do not envision the place you wish to go to clearly, you would be teleported to a place if random selection.

Why use this spell and not just teleport by portals, you may ask. Well you can't have everyone knowing you're an Eliatrope now can you?

You bowed as the spell finished, knowing that you had teleported into the King's bedroom.

"I have come as you have requested my king."

You said this through your usual voice changer. This is used through a spell that does not too much difficulty, but to play it safe, you also put on a mask when talking to clients.

The King coughed before clearing his throat. You would have to make him some remedy for that later.

"No need for formality, I have a job for you."

You lifted your head and looked at the King, ignoring that Yugo, Ruel, and Amalia were in the room. You didn't notice Armad though, we don't notice little jealous babies here.

"And what might that job be, my king?"

"You are going to help rescue Percedal's wife and child, Evangelyne and Flopin."

This was a bit of a shocker for you, even if Eva was pregnant, she wouldn't be taken so easily. The only people who could do that is the group you joined two, three years ago.

You were still with the group for various reasons, but why not play with the brotherhood for a tad.

"Then we must make haste. Yugo, I need you to come hold my hand for a tad. Everyone else, I need you to hold onto my shoulders."

Yugo, a numpty who doesn't know magic, is confused at why you need to hold his hand.

"This is so I can teleport everyone to the location we need to go to."

You sigh, you should brush Yugo up on magic when you get the chance to. You probably should look at your old Eliatrope spellbook as well.

You closed your eyes and reached into Yugo's mind. You walked through his memories and saw some of the ones he had with you.

"Ah, how bittersweet."

You continued your way through his mind until you found the point where Perceldal was dropped off a cliff.

"Alright, lets see if I'm rusty or not."

You cracked your nuckles as you began the chant of the gods.

"O magnum ones, liceat mihi, ut iter ad locum meum vision."

The world began to warp around you as you teleported to the snowy cliff of death. The others gapped at your magical ability while you just concentrated on not teleporting Amalia into a pit of Lava.

You opened your eyes and you were at the bottom of the valley, but Amalia was no where to be seen.

You quickly used a clairvoyance spell to see where she was, and not so surprisingly, she was clinging to a piece of ground in a pit of Lava.

"Ha, whoops."

With the snap of your fingers, and a little humor, Amalia appeared right in front of you. It seems even deep down into your soul, you want Amalia to burn in a bit of Lava.

"Sorry about that princess, I was thinking about how we cooked a few things back at home."

Amalia, who was fuming and blowing her leaf, started shouting at you.


You snorted at this and gave her a sorry excuse for an apology. You then turned and began following the tracks left behind.

"I swear if we come up and see those lops fighting, I'm going to go bathe in the hotsprings of my home town."

Yugo laugh at your quote unquote, joke, and began to follow the tracks as well. As you were slowly following the tracks, you asked Yugo a question.

"I saw that your brother was the one that dropped Percedal. Why do you think he did that?"

Even though you already knew the answer to that question, you wanted to see what the rest of the group knows. You can't have them finding out who you are too quick now can we?

"I-I have no idea, both Adamai and (y/n) left and I still don't have a clue as to why they haven't come back."

You sigh at Yugo's sad and sorrow stricken face. You didn't want to hurt the boy too bad, that would feel too much for you to handle.

"If it makes you feel any better, (y/n) plans on meeting you in the next few days. She's been watching you fairly closely this whole time she's been away, more close than you think."

Yugo lit up imeaditaly after hearing those words. He smiled so wide that his cheeks must've hurt.

Yugo thanked you and began to rush forward, forgetting about the rest of the group. That's when Ruel walked up nect to you and put his hand on your shoulder.

"Were you telling the truth? I don't want to see the poor boy broken over nothing."

You laugh, causing Ruel to raise a brow.

"Now Ruel, as an infobroker that would ruin my entire code of conduct. I can't go lying to my client now can I? Besides, (y/n) and I are very close, more than you will ever know."

~To be Continued~

Alright, I'm going to speed demon this book so I can hurry up and finish my other books. You don't want my Karma x reader to be on hiatus for 2 - 3 months, now do you?

Anyway, there are about 5 to 7 chapters left to write for season three so stayed tuned till then.



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