10. Proposal Day.

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Today was the day. Time seemed to be moving so fast with Kwashie around, it was nearing the end of August now and I knew that CJ should be preparing to leave for school in Canada. I wasn't going to university this year, Richard and I agreed to push it back until after the wedding. Beads of sweat formed on my forehead and even though my bedroom was cool from the running air conditioner, I still managed to work up a sweat with the anxiety that was coursing through my veins. Today was the day Kwashie planned to propose to me in public. Our families were to be there and we would be having dinner at the exclusive Le Rufa restaurant in the hills.

'Dress to impress.' Kwashie had said.

But what could she possibly mean? I mean, Richard nor her didn't seem to have a problem with my androgyny but I wasn't so sure about her parents and I was definitely sure that my mother would be against this.

I was still wondering what I was going to wear today. I could wear heels to balance out the outfit? Maybe my boots with the low rise heel would work but what kind of pants would that fit? I usually wore them with my pants leg folded but I guess they could work with an above the ankle length pants? What color scheme should I wear? Should I just wear a dress?

If I didn't calm myself down I'd surely go into shock and I felt it coming on like it always had in the past. I got up and went to my bathroom for my anxiety pills, I took two for good measures and went to my closet for my sneakers. I laced them up and grabbed my towel walking towards the home gym, maybe I could blow off some steam that way.

My makeup and hair was to get professionally done and I was to be at that appointment for 11 AM. It was now after 8 in the morning and I've been up since 6 wondering what I was going to wear.

I was one hour and thirty minutes into my workout listening to music and doing squats when I realized that I was still frustrated and unable to piece together an outfit in my mind. I drew out my yoga mat from its place on the shelf and spread it out onto the floor. I moved into my first sitting position with my legs folded Buddha style and my hands clasped in front of me right over my chest. I breathe in lifting my arms upwards then let out the breath that I was holding in for thirty seconds separating my arms and bringing them towards my side meeting back in the first clasp position in front of my chest that I started in. Next was the downward facing dog position and then into the rising sun position. I was now in the Bakasana position ready to outstretch my legs and balance my weight on my hands when it all came to me. I fell from my position and ran towards my room.

"I'll wear a plaid print... YES! I have three different print types in my closet.. something fine maybe?" I spoke to myself while walking the distance to my room from the gym.

"The dark blue and green print, my faverrrate colors."

"What top?" I stopped and stared at the wall as if it was the one that had asked me the question and not myself.

"We bought a black silk top after watching Versace on the Floor vid, remember?" I asked myself.

"Yes! I remember.. thank you Bruno Mars." I said continuing the walk to my room.


"We thought of the black leather boots with the low rise heel earlier.. yes.." I was whispering now.

"I also have one with a 2 inch heel.. wait.. I think it's the same one," I chuckled.

I finally got to my room and ran into my closet. I arranged all of my clothes by color and category. I had a rack just for my black clothes of all category, everyone didn't fit but it kept things color coded. I walked over to it and skimmed through to find the silk button down that I referred to earlier, I found it and pulled it out to try it on. It fit exactly how I remembered and should fit under the jacket perfectly. I walked over to my rack where all my suits were lined up from dark to light, majority of them were feminine and for business purposes. The one I was looking for was right in the middle, I took it down and sized it up. I had it altered awhile back so that the pants was more fitted to my thighs. I grabbed the shirt that I had placed on the chair and ran out of my room going to find Sharon.

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