40. Where it ends.

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Richard, Kwashie and Mr Ekuban had all left for a business trip leaving us alone at home, I didn't want to stay at home by myself so I found myself standing outside Fatima's apartment door hugging my blanket around me to keep me and my bulging belly warm.

"Who is it?" She called from inside.

"Sandy Clause." I mocked the pumpkin king.

She opened the door wide enough for me to walk in and I shut the door behind me. It's been five months since the kiss and I decided to sweep it under the rug as if it had never happened.

"Did I interrupt anything?" I asked before moving too far from the door.

"No, I'm alone here." She held onto my hand and lead me to her couch.

I sat down, pulled my feet from my black crocs and dropped them into her lap wiggling my toes with a smile on my face. I heard her give a low chuckle before she started to massage my feet and I hummed in satisfaction.

"Girl, can you believe a sister is horny all the time?" I groaned.

"Pregnancy hormones." She shrugged.

"Damn this pregnancy thing." I hissed my teeth.

"What you got up in here to eat? My ass is famished and I ate before I left." I faked cry.

"That kid gonna be so fat they'll have to cut him outa you." She rolled her eyes.

"And yo daddy so fat they had to get a crane to lift his ass off the bed when he had a heart attack." I rolled my neck.

"Yo mama.. yo mama soooo ugly she cracked the camera lens when she went to take her driver's license photo."

"That's lame as fuck. Yo daddy so trifling that cops see his ass on the road and lock him up just because he looks like a thief."

"Yo mama so fat her pants size is gargantuous."

"Oooooooooooooo yo DADDDDAAAYYY soooo FAT and OLD that when God said, "let there be light" he had to ask him to move out the way." I dropped my fake mic while sticking out my tongue.

She laughed at me and moved to rubbed my tummy. I felt a kick and I slapped her hand away, my baby is always kicking the shit outa me whenever she, Richard or Kwashie is around. Fatima was just really great with kids and  even an underdeveloped baby could tell that. She got some leftovers  for me from her kitchen and I ate while we watched Beauty and the Beast.

She held up most of my weight while I held onto her allowing her to lead me to her bed. I was tired and my knees were weak with an aching back, she couldn't manage to lift me up because of my added pregnancy weight. I got to the bed and fell onto my back glad that I was finally comfortable, I missed sleeping on my belly. Fatima came to lie beside me allowing me to cuddle her and rest my head on her shoulder, she told me and my baby a bedtime story and soon enough I was drifting off glad that I still had her in my life.

I screamed out feeling an excruciating pain coming from my stomach. I grabbed at my lower abdomen feeling the stabbing pain and tried to stop it, tears ran down my face as I felt between my legs get wet. It's too early for the baby to come.

"Zidania!!" Fatima quickly flipped the switch on and light spilled across the room.

"Fatima..." I screamed out from the pain I was feeling.

"Fatima, my baby." I cried.

She tried to lift me up but I could only curl up from the pain. I heard Fatima gasp and wondered what could be wrong.

"Zidania, oh my god. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." She chanted.

"What's wrong?" I asked through gritted teeth.

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