34. The shoot.

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Richard agreed to give Fatima a job at his law firm, promising her a better position when he got the chance to open his own with Mr Ekuban. I knew the position would more than likely be executive assistant, it paid well from what I heard and she would be able to afford taking care of herself. I still needed to find a way to help her with her tuition and I think I had a plan for it. We were now on our way to my suit fitting and photo shoot.

"Fatima," I called her name to get her attention.

"Would you kill someone for money?" I asked.

"How much are we talking about?" Her eyebrow raised in curiosity.

"Like, 25 hundred dollars minimum and the maximum depends on the request." I explained.

"You sound like you know someone."

"Nope. I just heard about it and wondered, you know." I evaded her assumption.

"Well I'm not too sure if I could do that. I'm going to need the money, yes but I don't want to lose my soul." She sighed.

"I feel you." I nodded and kept my eyes on the road.

I parked in the parking lot and got out locking the Jeep after Fatima. She loved it and even though I knew she wondered where the darkly tinted Acura was, she never asked. I drew my cap down blocking the sun and briskly walked to the tailor shop, she loved the sun. Said it was a relief from the Alaska weather and my stupid response was, I thought sun shined everywhere.

Samantha, the new clerk, greeted me with a broad smile. I got Mary fired simply because I didn't like her presence after our encounter before the wedding. I would fit my suit first and then I'd move on to makeup and wardrobe for the shoot.

"This is Fatima, take care of her and get her whatever she wants." I told Samantha.

"Will do ma'am... I mean, Zim." She smiled shyly.

"What have you done to the poor girl?" Fatima whispered to me.

"Why do you assume I've done anything?" I looked at her wondering if she was crazy.

"Look at her, she's so nervous around you." She chuckled.

"Guess it's just me." I winked with a sly smile on my lips.

"You are so egotistical and ambitious." Fatima playfully pushed me.

"Same was said for Julius Caesar and he denied the crown thrice, an ambitious judgement is from someone who is intimidated." I lifted my cap from my head and rested it in her lap.

"For someone who isn't very poetic, as you say. You have a lot of knowledge on literature." She complimented.

"Thank you, thank you. I still think you should've taken literature and creative writing with me." I pouted.

"And where would my passion for photography fall in?" As she said that, another idea popped into my mind.

I could get her photoshoot gigs but how much would that pay? From our little intimate session two weeks ago, the gears in my mind have been spinning none stop trying to figure out how to help her since I couldn't just pull the money from my own pockets. I wasn't even working for my own self much less to put more stress on Richard and his newly born infant son. Zachary, was his name and she made sure to give him our McGlashan last name and un-coincidentally his middle name was Irving. We had to have the same initials, huh? Curse you Sophia!

She hasn't visited us and I wasn't sure if Richard went to the hospital to sign any papers or what but he said he didn't go and I wasn't sure if he was lying or not, I planned to give him the benefit of the doubt though. I didn't continue the conversation with Fatima, I left her side and went to Mr Saveti to try on my full white suit that now had the inside vest in the traditional African print that we chose to use for the wedding theme. Mr Saveti's talent was unmatched once again as we agreed on where needs to be altered and how beautifully the suit fitted.

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