chapter 3

701 20 6

jinxx's pov

i choked on my breath. my ex girlfriend was standing in front of me. she smiled at me.

"hiya jinxx."

i just stared at her. i was unable to say anything in return. jake noticed what was going on and came to my aid.

"what are you doing here sammi??"

(sorry for the fans of sammi doll and jinxx but i had to brake them up so jake and jinxx could date.. again i'm sorry)

she smiled at jake.

"i'm here to see jinxx."

he looked at me and i just sat there frozen. so many emotions were flooding my body. jake sighed and sat back down next to me.

"i don't think he want's to talk sammi so move along please or i'll call security."

she looked surprized. she looked back at me but i said nothing. she let a few tears fall down her cheeks. she ran away from us. jake looked at me.

(don't hate me pwease)

"you ok jinxx??"

i nodded slowly. i felt like i was going to cry. i hate sammi's gutts so much. what happened was while we were still dating she cheated on me with my older brother josh. it hurts so much. i broke up with sammi and ran away. later that day jake found me and we confessed our love for each other. after that we went home and started dating. we've been dating for about 8 months now. i sighed and signed some stuff for some fans. jake was watching me. 

"you sure your ok jinxxy??"

i took a deep breath and turned to jake.

"jake i feel like i'm about to die, when i saw sammi it broke my heart and i feel like crying my gutts out for hours on end."

jake hugged me close and rubbed my back. i sighed and tryed to calm my nerves. when i felt better we went back to signing things for are fans. when it was time to i got up and jumped on andy's back.

"i want a piggy back ride tall man!!!"

andy looked at me werid and we burst out laughing. i felt someone staring at my ass. i turned a bit to see jake looking at my pretty much exposed ass. i blushed and andy started to walk. jake smirked at me. i giggled and held on to andy. i wish this moment won't end in a bad way. andy drove me and jake to our house then came in with us. the tour bus was outside our house. everything was pack and put onto the bus while we were gone. i quickly ate with jake and the guys. we ran onto the bus and sat in the front area. i sat on jake's lap. i sighed and relaxed a bit. the bus started to move when john got in. john drives the bus sometimes but i guess this time hes not driving. my phone went off and i looked at it. it was my lilttle sister Alli.

"hey al what's up???"

alli burst out crying.

"jinxx my ex got me pregant and i'm all alone now."

i screamed at the top of my lungs. the guys looked at me.

"alli were are you??"

"i'm at moms she said i could stay for awhile."

"stop the fucken bus!!!"

the bus stopped and john walked over to us from the passenger seat in the very front.

"what's wrong jinxx???"

"we need to go to my mom's please john."

he nodded and the bus started to drive again.

"alli get your stuff together i'm coming to get you."


she sounded so fucken excited.

"yea lil sis be ready."

i hung up and looked at the guys.

"we need to go get my lil sis alli cause her ex got her pregant and she needs me."

they nodded understanding. i sighed in realif. the guys like alli so i didn't think they mind at all. we arrived at my moms and alli ran out of the house. i walked out and helped her with her stuff. when we were settled she looked at me funny.

"why are you wearing that slutty maid costume jinxx???"

i blushed and looked at the floor.

"i lost a bet to jake so i got to wear this fucked up costume for awhile."

she giggled and high fived jake. i glared at them. jake kissed me and smiled. i sighed again. i leaned into jake trying to relax yet again. alli and the guys were teasing me about the outfit for a couple hours. i didn't mind cause i knew they were kidding. after being up for another 6 hours we went to bed. going to bed at 8 in the morning may seem weird but nothing to big was going on so we could sleep in peace. me and jake fell asleep holding each other close.

a/n thats it for this chappie




eat everything you find

cuddle monsters

yell at strangers

cuddle 10 monsters

till next time my loves


Janxx {bvb}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora