chapter 17

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jinxx's pov

i was woke up by someone shaking me. i groaned and turned away from that person. soon the blankets covering me and jake were ripped off. i heard a scream and then someone running out of the room. i quickly got dressed and covered jake. who was surprizingly still dead asleep. i walked out as i saw everyone looking at me funny.

"now what."

i looked at alli who looked petrafide. so she was the one who came to wake us up. opps. my mom looked up at me. i'm on a staircase so feel so much tall. yay!

"jeremey what on earth happened up there??"

i shrugged and stood on the railing. i heard a couple gasps as i jumped off. i did a couple summersults then landed safly on my feet.

"that was fun!!!!"

alli giggled and rolled her eyes.

"still the same old dare devil i grow up with."

i smiled innocently at everyone.

"i have no idea what your talking about."

that when i heard jake scream. i sighed and ran up the stairs. i walk into the room to find jake on the bed throwing shit at a spider. i rolled my eyes and stepped on it. jake smiled at me and got dressed. in front of me to. which is a big bonas if you ask me. i just sat on the bed staring at his perfect body. he's perfect in every way. jake looked at me and smile. i smiled back. there was a knock on the door and i heard alli's voice

"I'm sorry but jinxx isn't here right now he's at the park with his friends."

there was someone yelling then a door slam shut. Jake looked out the door. i ran out of the room and down the stairs. alli was on the floor. her side was bleeding badly. i screamed and pushed everyone away. i fell next to her.


i ran to the cabnet and grabbed the first aid kit. i sat next to alli and ripped the first aid kit open. i tryed to stop the bleeding. when she stopped bleeding i bandage her side. alli was unconsious. i looked at her. she was so pail. i heard the others crying behind me. i ran around the house looking for anything that could shock a heart and cause it to start beating. i found a few things and went to work. after 10 minutes alli finally started to breath. she opened her eyes slowly.


i pulled her close to me and cryed my heart out. i couldn't take it anymore. i was slowly dieing on the inside. alli hugged me and stroked my head. i alwaysed loved when some one did that. i finally calmed down. i looked up to see worrided faces of my family. alli smiled at me softly. my mom fell next to us and pulled us close. i started to cry again.

"i can't take it!!"

i pulled away and ran up the stairs. i locked my bed room door and walked into the bathroom.  i pulled my razor out. i sat on the toilet slowly cutting my wrist. i screamed in pain. this hurts more then it used to. i stood up and looked in the mirror. i could hear the others ponding on the door. i looked at myself in disgust. i'm just a anorexic freak who doesn't deserve to live. and yes i turned anorexic. when i got home from my aunts i would pretend i ate but in reality the food was in the garbage. i looked fucken disgusting. i made a few more cuts screaming at the top of my lungs. one thought poped into my head. how on earth did jake not realize how skinny i was last night. he could have but pussed i off considering i've only been back a few days. i heard the door break down. jake ran in and slapped the razor out of my hand. he started to clean and bandage my cuts. i just sat there and cryed my heart out. the last few days have been complete crap. plus the last few months. i mean why can't my life go back to normal. the one were i'm on tour. i'm with jake. when i'm not being hunted by my aunt lily. WHY CAN'T MY FUCKEN LIFE GO BACK TO NORMAL!!! i just cryed harder and harder. jake storked my head trying to calm me down. what's amazing is it actually worked. i had finally calmed down. jake looked at me with tears in his eyes.

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