chapter 21

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  • Dedicated to zharha

alli's  pov

we rushed jinxx to thehospital. its like the millionth time we did. jake kept yelling at jinxx to wake up. he had so many tears pouring down his cheeks. jake loves jinxx way to much and i think thats a good thing. we arrived at the hospital and jinxx was rushed away from us. the only thing we did was cry and pry that jinxx will be ok.

jinxx's pov

i opened my eyes to see bright lights. i screamed and shut them. i felt some one grab my hand. i tryed to pull away but they wouldn't let go. i slowly opened my eyes to see jake. i smiled and crashed my lips on his. jake kissed me back with so much passion i thought i was going to cry. i pulled away and looked at my beautiful boyfriend.

"were's my daughter jake???"

jake sighed as a little girl walked in. she looked like she was about 3 years old. she sat on jakes lap and looked at me.

"hi daddy??"

i blinked a couple times and looked at jake. he nodded.

"you've been in a coma for 3 years jinxx..... no one thought you would wake up."

my eyes widened.

"were are the others???"

my daughter jumped of jake's lap and ran down the hall. i looked at jake.

'how could you let me lay here like this???"

jake looked surprized.

"what are you talking about jinxx.... i let you like cause i love you and your daughter needs you.... we all need you...... i couldn't let them pull the plug cause i knew you were going to wake up jinxx."

both of us were crying. i patted the bed space next to me and jake climbed next to me.


i looked up and saw everyone standing there. i smiled and waved for them to come in.


they walked in and we did a group hug. i felt safe in there arms. we pulled apart and my daughter jumped in my lap. i giggled causing her to giggle to.

"i'm neon your little girl as jake said you would put it."

i giggled and looked at jake. he just smiled at me.

"so what happened scenes i was gone??"

alli looked away. she sighed looking at he feet.

"i should tell you this is what happened to nick.... put in my own words..... When my son had his G-tube stoma re-positioned (the first one was so high that it rubbed against his ribs as the ribs grew, and took 2 years to "prove," by way of scar path), the GI doctor told me there was an outside chance that the second one might puncture the colon. It was an outside chance, but it was possible. He tried to reduce that possibility by having a surgeon perform the PEG (percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy) procedure. All looked good. A few weeks later, when the foley catheter (what they put in during the procedure and which stays in the stoma until it's healed well enough) was switched for a MicKey button, it was done simultaneously with a bilateral hip tenotomy, and my son was placed in a cast from the waist to the knees. That procedure was done on a Friday. Because he is medically fragile, he recovered in the PICU. After a suitable amount of time, they started up the feeds, and my son had really odd diarrhea. It continued, and looked very much like the stuff we were pumping in. It was a big, nasty mess, getting well-integrated into the hip cast. The GI doctor wanted to rule out the "outside chance," and ordered a radiological exam. That was scheduled for Sunday. I went down with my son to radiology, and helped the radiologist (not a technician, but the real thing) perform the procedure. He was so swift, I hardly had the time to look at the image myself. He quickly said the second G-tube was fine. We went back to PICU and continued to change his diapers every hour. After 3 more days, and a slew of antibiotics, with test results coming back "WNL" (within normal limits), the PICU doctor sent us home, assuming it was a nasty bug picked up from the hospital, from which he would recover best at home. We left continuing to change his diaper every hour. Two weeks later, my son, having lost weight, was now listless and pale. The GI doctor, thoroughly confused, ordered a lower GI study. Fortunately, we were able to get the best pediatric GI radiologist (since retired, sadly) in the LA area. He found nothing wrong with the lower GI, so he checked the upper GI just in case. And lo and behold, there it was, clearly evident that the G-tube was misplaced. The error was corrected, my son "plumped back up," was less irritable overall, and was hospital-free for an amazing 2 years. The GI doctor apologized to me for the error, but I told him he was not to blame; it was the radiologist who ruled it out... then My "Horror Story" began when my daughter turned 1 and "graduated" from the ECI (Early Childhood Intervention) program in my little town and transitioned into the public school district. My daughter is and has been undiagnosed but is being labeled with cerebral palsy. Panic began after I was introduced to her teacher and the teacher told me that bottles were not allowed in her room. My daughter had low muscle tone in and around her mouth and was having a hard time transitioning to a training cup. I used the 2 months before school started to frantically work with her to get her off the bottle. I did not succeed. I told the diagnostician that I was sorry that I couldn't get her off the bottle, and she said it was no big deal. When I told her what the teacher told me, she said there was no such rule. Whew! Next ordeal: My daughter spent one week in the hospital after a scary seizure that was prompted by a high fever. She stopped breathing, but my husband and I know CPR, thank God. She had many tests performed that week. I went to pick her up the first day she returned to school and found her parked in front of an open door (in January). She was soaked from her hips to her knees in her urine. I was highly upset. I made sure the teacher was aware and reported it to the Special Education department and the school's office. 2 weeks later, I was called at work and told that she fell out of her wheelchair (a child that cannot walk or move around on her own?). I rushed to school to find the sweet face of my little one bruised and swollen. Apparently, the teacher allowed another child to push her through the gravel playground. She was supposedly strapped in, but if she was, she wouldn't have fallen out. I had to take her to the hospital for an MRI and a check over. I had enough and reported the teacher to Child Protective Services. After an investigation was done, the teacher was not allowed to return to teaching (at least in our school district). That year was filled with non-stop frustration of "weird" incidences and off-the-wall statements from the teacher on how I should take care of my daughter. Being in a small town, I was unable to find a daycare that would take on a child with special needs, much less an individual that would be willing to care for her. The only comfort I had in leaving my daughter in the school was that my husband's cousin was one of the aides in the class and promised to watch over my little one when she could. In the second year with the public school district, my daughter was bitten twice, and sent home  repeatedly "sick," when she was not. I learned later that some kids were sent home "sick" due to the fact that if the aides or teacher called in sick, there was no one to cover. I met with the superintendent of the school regarding many issues that had been going on since my daughter had been enrolled, but that got me nowhere. I also talked to many other parents that had stories of their own. I then made the superintendent aware of problems I had heard about from the other parents. Reasons given were that the assistant superintendent was in the process of quitting and any follow-up and investigation had fallen through the cracks. Also, they said that the teacher did very well during her interview and was hired due to the fact that she had worked with children with special needs in a high school for 1 year. In the third year with the same school district, I thought things were going to be better. The PPCD program had gone through 4 teachers within my daughter’s two years in that class. I was finally impressed with her new teacher, but one month later she quit and moved away. Last year, her teacher was much nicer and experienced BUT my daughter didn't get to finish the year without having a bad accident. She was propped up against a bar in a big metal spaceship on the playground. She was not spotted (my daughter can bear weight on her legs but cannot stand on her own). She fell back and split her head open. This resulted in her getting 3 staples put in her head. In closing, my daughter is now 3 years old. My daughter's experiences prompted for me to search for a new, safe learning environment. I loved the town I was living in but the Special Education department had too much to be desired. I just bought a home in a new town and am thrilled with her new class and teacher. She's already showing signs of improving and seems to love her new classmates."

i looked at her in utter shock.

"i'm so sorry i couldn't be there for you al."

she smiled at me.

"you couldn't help it jinxx.. you got a concusion and indead up in a coma... you couldn't have stopped any of this.... it's not your fault bro"

i nodded and layed closer to jake. jake wrapped his arms around me. neon wiggled into my arms resting her head on my chest. everyone awwed at us. i fust flipped them off not wanting to say anything cause neon had fallen asleep. i played with neons hair while i was filled in on what happened the last few years.

a/n that's it for this chappie

thanks to my friends who wrote this

it might not make sence but we tryed our best

it's not much but it's some thing

sorry if its a little short

i have major writers block


what do you think will happen next 

also sorry if it sucks

















































yell at everyone you meet

yell at random strangers

kill killer clowns

over come your worst fear

sell candy

eat all the candy you can find

cuddle monsters

say I love you to someone in your life

save someones life

ignore the bullys

hold your head up high

never givin in

never back down

till next time my fallen angels


{the fallen angel}

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