chapter 18

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jinxx's pov

i slowly walked down stairs and looked out the window. i gasped at who i saw. my grandparents were standing there. alli joined me and gasped to. we both smiled and i opened the door. my grandparents walked in and closed the door. 

"nanna!!, papa!!!."

i jumped on them followed by alli. they laughed as we hugged them to death. 

"hiya kids!!" 

i pulled way only to have my nanna look at my arms. she looked at me and i froze. jake pulled me on his lap as i started to shake. i let my tears run down my cheeks freely. my papa looked at me sadly.

"unrap thoughs bandages jeremey."

jake slowly unrapped the bandages as i sat there frozen stiff. when he was done everyone gasped. none of them realized how many cuts i made. the cuts ran up both of my arms not leaving any skin clear of cuts. i layed my head on jakes shoulder and cryed my heart out for the millionth time today. my grandparents looked so suprized. they didn't know i cut. i have been cutting sence i was 10. yes i was that young when i started cutting. i finally stopped crying. it was so hard to keep living. i wanted to die so fucken bad. it would end my pain and suffering. but it would hurt so many people. jake held me close and whispered sweet things in my ear. he's so fucken caring. i curled into a ball and snuggled closer to jake. the door bell rang again and jake tightened his grip on me. i started to shake again. i had this weird feeling it was some one we didn't want to see. alli slowly opened the door and screamed. she slammed it closed and locked it. i looked into her eyes and she looked so scared. i wiggled out of jakes grip and crawled to the window. i peeked out to see my aunt lily there. i gasped and ran behind jake who was standing now. i jumped on his back wrappin my legs around jake. i hid my head in his shoulder. the door broke down and my aunt walked in with 5 bulky men behind her. i jumped off jake but stayed behind him. 

"go away!!!"

she smiled and snapped her fingers. the five men went to some of my family. some thing snapped inside me and i charged at them. i beat the shit out of them.

"leave my fucken family alone bitches!!!"

all eyes fell on me. i glanced around to see some surprized faces.i looked at my aunt who was walking towards jake. i screamed and kicked her as hard as i could. i don't know what gave my this power to fight back. she got up and charged at me. she looked at my arms and hit them. i screamed and stepped back. that's it she messed with the wrong man. i punched and kicked her till she was on the ground with many broken bones. she ran out slowly followed by the other five men. 

"run for your lives bitches!!!!"

i slammed the door closed and fell to the ground. i layed there breating hard. my heart was racing so fast it hurt to breath. i was surrounded by my family. alli sat next to me.

"are you ok jinxx??"

i nodded and slowly sat up. i looked down and saw my cuts bleeding. jake noticed and grabbed the first aid kit that was still on the floor. he took care of my arms as we all sat in scilence. when he was done he looked up at me. 

"how in hell did you do that jinxx??"

i shrugged.

"i saw you guys in trouble and acted... the only thing i wanted was you guys to be safe."

i sighed looking at them. i never want to see any of them in pain. it would kill me to see them hurt. the door opened and a girl stood there.


ben froze and looked at the girl.

"hey iz what's up."

she looked worrid.

Janxx {bvb}Where stories live. Discover now