chapter 4

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Alli's pov

i woke up around 3 pm. i was the first one up. i jumped out of my bunk and walked into the kitchen area. i grabbed some cereal and sat on the couch. jinxx came out of the bunk room 25 minutes later. i smiled at him and he smiled back. he was still in that stupid maid costume. i giggled a bit. jinxx grabbed a pan and grabbed the eggs from the fridge.

"you the cook jinxxy???"

he giggled and nodded.

"yep sence i'm the only one who knows how to cook."

i giggled and helped him make breackfast. when the food was done jinxx handed me two pans.

"ban these together its usally how i get the boys up for breackfast."

i nodded and walked into the bunk room. i banged the pans together. i got a bunch of groans but the boys got up. i skipped over to jinxx and set the table. when i was with my ex i did most of the house work and cooking. so i just wanted to help out. jinxx thanked me then sat next to jake and started to eat. i looked at the boys. there really sweet guys but can be anyoing as fuck some times. i smiled to myself. i feel so lucky. i mean i'm jinxx for bvb's lil sis and i get to go on tour with them all the time. its the best life style i could ask for.


i blinked and looked at my big bro.


jinxx smiled.

"you spaced out on us."

i giggled and jinxx rolled his eyes.

"what ever big bro."

jinxx just rolled his eyes at me. i smiled a bit. i should probley get dressed before the boys. don't ask why i get dressed before them. i ran into the bunk room and changed into some black skinny jeans and a bvb shirt. i curled my hair for no danm reason. i walked out and sat on the couch. the boys got dressed. jake let jinxx take that stupid costume off. jinxx seemed happier then he did when he was with sammi. i miss sammi but. she cheated and she had to go. some times i wonder if sammi really cheated or if she was set up. sammi looked like she really loved jinxx. but i could be wrong about her. i felt something kick me in the rib. i groaned in pain. i just remembered i was fucken pregnant. thanks alot james. i groaned again. this danm baby won't settle down. i fucken hate being pregnant. i sighed and rubbed my little bump. it feels like just yesterday i was a little kid running around this bus. when i was 12 jinxx just got famous and he took me on the first tour either of us have been on. it was one of the best years of my life. jinxx was always there for me. scene day one jinxx was there. he promised he would never ever leave my side. and who cares how many years later were still together. he still hasn't left my side. i feel really lucky to have jinxx as a big brother. i hope we can see each other grow old. i hope well love each other for ever and ever. i love my big brother and no one can ever change that.  no one in this messed up world can change that. i looked at jinxx. he was kissing jake like crazy. i giggled a bit. there so fucken cute sometimes. but there not always a cute cuddly couple. sometime's things get really heated if you know what you mean.  i felt the baby kick again. i fucken hate being pregnant. jinxx must have noticed my pain cause he turned to me. jake whimpered at the loss of jinxx's lips. i giggled a bit. i got another kick in the ribs. i groaned causing jinxx to come sit by me.

"what's wrong alli???"

i tryed to smile at him.

"this fucken baby won't stop kicking me jinxx and it hurts."

he sighed and rubbed my stomach. the baby calmed down finally. i smiled and hugged jinxx.

"thanks bro."

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