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*Sorry for the wait.. I hope you enjoy this chapter.*

Chapter Twenty-three; Battle for Detroit:

Beth looked down at her lap at Princess, who was curled up. Hank sat next to them on the couch, glancing at his daughter."Why don't you take a quick shower.. it'll help."

"I..."Beth started before letting out a sigh."Okay." She picked Princess up, practically dumping the dog onto Hank's lap. The dog whined before snuggling into Hank's lap, making the man let out a sigh before brushing a hand against the dog's back.

Connor had only been gone a couple minutes, but she already missed him. She hoped he would be okay, knowing that this was essentially a suicide mission.

She hoped nothing would go wrong.


The shower felt nice, as the warm water drifted over her body. She felt herself about to tear up as she remembered the way Connor had held her in the shower.

He was still restricted by his programming then, and yet he held her protectively, making her feel safe. Losing him would be unbearable, but if that scenario did happen, she wouldn't give up.

No matter how badly she would wanted to. She had to stay strong, for her dad, Sumo, and even Princess, along with her best friends.

A faint knock at the front door was muffled, making Beth wonder who it could possibly be. They had to have been knocking a little loud for her to hear the knock at all.

She finished up, getting out and drying herself off with a towel. She could hear her dad talking to someone, after she heard him open the door.

Beth ignored her phone and gun lying on the bathroom counter, as she dressed herself, brushing her hair with the brush she left here for when she stayed the night to look after her dad.

She heard a strange sound as she walked out of the bathroom, to see who the visitor was. As she got closer she recognized the sound to be that of Princess and Sumo growling.

They were growling at.. Connor of all people. Beth stared at him in confusion, shouldn't he be at Cyberlife Tower by now. What confused her even more was the fact the Sumo and Princess were growling at him.

Something was very wrong.

His appearance was identical to the Connor she cared for, but his eyes were cold, not emotionless like some Androids, but more like cruel.

Even before Connor had deviated, he always had soft eyes, even when he swore he was just a machine. She decided to play dumb, but realized that Hank honestly thought it was Connor.

"Connor.. what're you doing here..? I thought you were at Cyberlife Tower..."She leaned down to soothe both Sumo and Princess.

She looked up at him as he answered, "I changed my mind, Beth. I want you and Hank to come with me." That definitely wasn't Connor.

He was trying to fake Connor's demeanor, but the coldness sunk through. Hank didn't seem to notice, which was odd, since he normally was good at detecting things like this.

"Really..?"Beth didn't trust him.

He may look identical to Connor in appearance, but he certainly was not Connor. An identical RK800 model being here was not a good sign, it meant that Cyberlife definitely knew of Connor's deviance.

That also meant that they would know about Connor's plan or know he would go there. Connor was in danger, they would/could kill him...

Her eyes widened at this realization, but she tried to hide it from the fake Connor. If he took them to Cyberlife tower, they'd be able to save Connor.

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