We the People

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"We the people!" He gestures to the crowd, "deserve the right... To eat lazagna!"

Some in the crowd laugh.

"We! The people!" Some in the crowd begin to chuckle, "Are definitely in need of some more trees!"

"Why are you making fun of our state?!" An angry man in the crowd shouts.

"Why not?!" The man giving the lecture retorts.

"Because the men who fought for our contract are rolling in their graves! I have no doubt that they are ashamed of what we have become!"

"Oh, shut up old man! You're just jealous that I made the people laugh, and you didn't!"

Someone should really step in. Where are the bouncers? Why isn't anyone in the crowd doing anything?

"No, I am not jealous of a man like you. Disrespecting your own country. I can say, I am ashamed! Ashamed of this new generation!"

The man on stage advances, "see you are jealous. That I am more of a man than you will ever be! Huh? Grandpa! Whatcha gonna do? Wash my mouth with soap!"

"Enough!" I shout, getting the attention of the surrounding people.

"Oh, you're standing up for old gramps?"

"You know what sir? I came here to laugh. As you can see.. no one is laughing. I payed good money to watch something funny. Not to watch you disrespect your elders." I leave, most of the crowd trailing behind me.

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