Chapter 3 - Fleeing the Scene

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The bell rings at the end of the school day, Marinette and Alya meet outside the classroom. "Okay see you at 6 Alya, I gotta head to the libr-"  

"Hello, all! I am Antibug! Marinette, I won't let you take everything that I want!" Antibug announces as she begins her attack on Marinette.

Adrien looks back to see Marinette struggling to get away. He grabs Marinette by the hand. "That's Chloe! She's been akumatized! Let's get out of here. Come on Marinette." 

"Come back here Marinette! Adrien is mine!" Antibug yells as she frantically looks for her victim.

In the school courtyard

"We have to get out of here, we can't let her find you!" Adrien exclaims as he tugs on Marinette's fragile wrist, as they try to escape the school. 

"B-but what about you?" Marinette says struggling to keep up with Adrien. 

"Don't worry about me, she's attacking you! Let's go this way!"

As they run through the park nearby, Antibug eventually catches up and attacks the pair with her yo-yo which separates Marinette and Adrien. "Marinette! Run!" 

"Adrien!" Marinette screams. She ducks down and hides behind a nearby bush. "Tikki, I have to transform! Antibug is after me and is trying to get a hold of Adrien. I have to help him! Tikki! Spots On!"

With Adrien

"Plagg let's go! Marinette is in trouble!" 

"Aw, just when I was about to get a cheese break," Plagg complains. 

"Later, we got to go! Plagg, Claws Out!" Cat Noir perches himself on a nearby building, aiming to get a better view. "We have to find Marinette and Ladybug!" Cat Noir says. 

Oh boy, this kid is so oblivious! Plagg thinks as he rolls his eyes dramatically.

With Ladybug

"Alright, now where is Antibug?" she whispers to herself when she all of a sudden hears a pair of familiar sounding footsteps nearing her. 

"Well hello there Bugaboo, how've you been?" 

"Hey Cat Noir, we have to get going. Antibug is after a girl named Marinette and she is looking for Adrien Agreste." 

"Got it m'lady, where do you think she could've gone?" 

"I don't know..." she says while trying to think of a plan.

"What if she went to Marinette's house?" Cat Noir asks. 

"You're right Cat Noir! We better check there. I'll take the right, you take the left, we'll keep in touch." 

"Copy that m'lady," he says with a smirk. They both take off in the direction of the bakery, separately. 

I have to get there quick and detransform before Cat Noir gets there! Ladybug says to herself as she frantically jumps towards her home.

At the bakery

Just as Cat Noir arrives, Marinette manages to detransform in the nick of time. 

"Hi Marinette, how are you?" he asks. 

"Hi Cat Noir, I'm good," Marinette says cheerfully. 

"Have you seen Antibug recently?" 

"No, she hasn't shown up since I left the school today." 

"That's good, but right now we need to get you out of here, she may suspect that you came to hide here."

"Okay, but Cat Noir..." she asks sheepishly. 

"Yes, Marinette?" 

"There is something you should know, Antibug is after my friend Adrien Agreste too." 

"Right," he replies. 

"Maybe we should head over to his house to make sure he's okay!" Marinette exclaims. 

"Got it." Cat Noir takes Marinette in his arms bridal style and hops out the window to the Agreste Mansion. I have to detransform. I hope Ladybug is there...

At the Agreste Mansion

Cat Noir jumps through his open window and helps Marinette inside. "Marinette, you have to hide. Antibug may suspect that Adrien is here and she is after you as well, she cannot know where you are." 

"Okay Cat Noir. But where is Adrien?" 

"I-Uh...maybe he's walking home?" 

"Please make sure he's alright." Marinette adds. He nods and leads her out of the room and into his father's office, then leaves to detransform.

"Plagg, we need to find Antibug, but I can't leave Marinette here alone!" 

"I don't know what to tell you kid. Maybe you'll just have to let her come to you." 

"You're right Plagg, it's just a matter of time," Adrien says as he sighs. 

"But now, I want camembert." 

"Plagg, what am I ever going to do with you." They both chuckle as Plagg gets his cheese. 

"That's more like it kid."

In Gabriel Agreste's Office

"Wow Tikki, what is this place? There are so many pictures of Adrien!" Marinette squeals. 

"I see you like them Marinette." they both giggle together. Tikki takes this opportunity to explore the mysterious room and fly around a bit when she comes across something. 

"Marinette! Look at this! It looks like a picture of Adrien's...mother!" 

"You might be right Tikki. She has his eyes," she replies.

"Wait, Marinette! I think I sense something in this painting! I think I sense...a miraculous!" the little kwami whisper-yells. 

"Wait? You're serious Tikki?!" 

"I can't say for sure but it's a very strong and familiar presence." the kwami states, immediately flying through the painting. 

"Tikki!" Marinette whispers-yells as the painting mysteriously opens.

"Is that...the peacock miraculous?!"

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