Chapter 21 - Unusual Occurrences

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The Next Day, After School

Classes go fairly normal and without disruption. After the last bell, Adrien meets Marinette at her locker. "Hi, Marinette." 

"Hi Adrien, so are we still going to your place today?" 

"Yep, and you get to ride home with me. I told Nathalie that you would be coming today and she said you can just come back with us. Oh, she's here. Let's get going." 

"Okay," she replies with a smile.

Adrien and Marinette walk to the car and Adrien holds the door open for Marinette as she hops in. They are greeted by a very subtle Nathalie. "

Adrien, here are the details for your photoshoot tomorrow. Also, this is the time we will be picking up Miss Marinette." 

"Thank you Nathalie." She nods. 

"Marinette, are you still planning on coming to watch the shoot tomorrow?" 

"Oh, yes! I'm so excited." 

"Great, we'll pick you up at 3:30." (This photoshoot is referencing the invitation mentioned in Season 2 Episode 16 Troublemaker)

Once they get to the Agreste Mansion, they are met face to face with Gabriel Agreste. "Hello, Adrien, and Miss..." 

"Marinette. She won your derby hat contest at school. She's here to do some classwork with me." 

"Ah, yes. Miss Marinette. Nice to see you again. Adrien, make sure you practice piano tonight." 

"Y-Yes Father," he responds.

"Come on Marinette," he says as he grabs her hand and leads her up the long staircase to his room, not even bothering to give his father a look.

Adrien closes the door and gestures Marinette toward the couch to talk while Plagg and Tikki enjoy their snacks on the desk. When he comes over to the couch, he notices Marinette's expression.

"Marinette? What's wrong?" he says as he places a hand on her shoulder. 

"Your he always like that to you?" 

"Oh, yeah. It's fine, don't worry about it." 

"But Adrien he's so distant towards you!"

"I do everything that he asks me to so one day, he will appreciate what I do for him." 

"Wow, I never thought of it like that..." 

"You know, I actually have grown up to enjoy most of the activities my father has made me do. That is, except photoshoots." 

"I'm sure your father is proud of you. I sure am." 

"Thanks, Marinette."

"Now, Hawkmoth. What are we going to do about him Adrien?" 

"Well, there are more things we don't know about him than we do know. That's going to make it difficult for us since he has witnessed our fighting styles and attacks." 

"True, but at least we know what he is after. Although, we don't know why."

"Wait! Didn't he mention one time that he wanted to make a wish using the miraculous?" Adrien adds. 

"You're right! But what for?"

Adrien looks up to see a concerned and worried Marinette. "Hey, what's on your mind?" 

"Well...during the battle against took me as Marinette here to help me into a safe hiding spot and that was your father's office." 

"Yeah, I remember that. What happened?"

"Well, Tikki managed to open the portrait of who I thought might have been your mother and we found something inside..." His face suddenly turned to shock as the suspense grew. 

"Marinette, what did you find?!" 

"The Peacock Miraculous."

Plagg and Tikki had heard what Marinette said and came rushing over to the two. 

"Wait! That's right! We did find it." Tikki states. 

"What?!" Adrien and Plagg shout in unison. 

"I can't believe father...why does he have the peacock miraculous?" 

"Maybe it belonged to your mother Adrien," Marinette mumbles. 

"She could be right kid." Plagg states.

"Yeah. Maybe you're right Marinette. We'll have to ask Master Fu if he knows anything." Adrien responds. "Also, Marinette..." 

"Yeah Adrien?" 

"There's something I've been wanting to ask you. I want you to meet me at the Eiffel Tower this Friday at 7:00. It's a surprise but it has to wait until then. Is that okay with you?" 

"Of course. I'll be there. Promise."

"It's getting late Marinette. I'll bring you home." 

"Right. Thank you, Adrien." 

"Plagg! Claws Out!" Cat Noir picks up Marinette and swiftly jumps out the window flying across the rooftops all over Paris. Finally, they arrive at Marinette's home and he sets her down gently on her balcony.

"Thank you, Cat Noir." 

"Of course m'lady, anything for Y-ah!" 

All of a sudden, he lets out a painful cry and falls to the ground with a thud. 

"Hey! Hey! Are you okay? What's going on?" Marinette exclaims as she tries to help him up from the ground. She notices him gripping his right side near his shoulder.

"I-I'm fine, all good. Don't worry about it," he replies struggling to stand. 

"Are you sure, you don't-" 

"I'm fine! Don't worry!" he shouts back. "I-uh...sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you." 

"It's okay. Go get some rest, I'll see you at school tomorrow." 

"Right. Good night." he responds, extending his staff as he jumps off the balcony towards home.

"Tikki. I'm worried about him. It was so sudden." 

"I don't know Marinette but I feel like something is wrong here." 

"That doesn't sound good Tikki. I hope he's alright."

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