Chapter 10 - A Special Place

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Adrien walks back to class just in time for the bell, meeting Nino at the door. "Hey Dude, you good?" 

"Yeah...I'm good Nino, I just needed a break," Adrien replied. 

"Okay, but I'm here if you ever need anything bro." 

"Thanks Nino." They do a fist bump just as Ms. Bustier walks into the room.

As roll is being taken and Ms. Bustier goes down the list. A sudden silence hits the room at the mention of one name. "Dupain-Cheng, Marinette? Is she absent?" 

"She wasn't uh...feeling well today ma'am." Alya managed to chirp out. 

"Would anyone be willing to bring Marinette her work?" 

"I can ma'am," Adrien responded. 

"Wonderful, thank you Adrien. I will give you the work at the end of the school day. While I have your attention, I would like to introduce a new student to the class."

"Hi Everyone! My name is Lila Rossi. I guess I'll be joining the class. I can't wait to meet all of you!" Most of the class gives puzzled looks but happily welcomes Lila. That is...except for Adrien. 

"Lila, why don't you sit behind Adrien for now since Marinette isn't here today." 

"Sounds great Miss." While everyone starts with their morning compliment, Lila takes the opportunity to chat with Adrien.

"Hey, Adrien! Nice to finally meet you." 

"Yeah, uh nice to meet you too Lila." 

"I'm sure we are going to be very good friends, I've heard so much about you!" 

"Yeah, of course..." he sheepishly replies. 

"I'm also very close friends with Ladybug." 

"Really?" he questions since he has never heard of this girl from m'lady when they talk during patrols.

"We can talk about it if you want! Not here about after school?" 

"Well, I'd love to Lila but I have to deliver something to Mari-" 

"Awesome! See you after school then." she squeals and blows a kiss while heading back to her seat. Adrien sighs and doesn't give it a second thought. The only person on his mind the rest of the class is Marinette.

When class ends, Ms. Bustier notices Adrien's strange behavior all throughout the day and decides to talk to him. "Adrien, are you alright? You haven't seemed like yourself all day. I miss seeing you all happy." 

"Thanks, Ms. Bustier. I'm fine. A lot has been going on lately. I'm just worried about someone." 

"I see. Well, whoever it is, they seem to hold a special place in your heart. Also, here is Marinette's work. Remember, if you ever need someone to talk to, just say the word. I am your teacher after all." 

"Thank you, I'll be sure to get this to her."

Lila comes out behind Adrien and grabs him suddenly by the arm. "Come on! Let's go Adrien." 

"S-see you tomorrow Ms. Bustier! What's the rush Lila?" 

"Oh, nothing. You don't need to get that stuff to that Marinette girl right now do you?" 

"I-uh, it can wait I guess." 

"Awesome, let's go!" Lila exclaims dragging him along like a lost puppy.

Meanwhile, Marinette and Tikki are still at the Eiffel Tower. After they wake up, Marinette decides it is time to head out again before Adrien comes looking for her. The little kwami sighs and goes along with Marinette.

In the library with Adrien and Lila

"So, Adrien. What do you think about Ladybug?" Lila asks with a smirk. 

"Oh, she's amazing." 

"You admire her, don't you?" 

"I mean, sure. Although, I don't even know who she really is."

"So, about what I said earlier... Ladybug and I are very close friends you see." Lila boasts. 

"How did you two become friends?" 

"We just had so much in common, but there is one thing we have in common that not many others have." 

"What is that Lila?"

"I'm a descendant of a superhero. Her name is Volpina. This is what lets me transform." she says pulling out an orange fox tail necklace. 

"Is...that a Miraculous?!" 

"Yep! So...what is so special about Ladybug that I keep hearing about?" 

"Well, she's brave, fearless, beautiful, smart, and just absolutely amazing. I love that girl."

Lila scoffs, "There are plenty of other girls out there, why choose Ladybug? Especially since you know me!" 

"Lila, I don't know where you're trying to go with this, but I don't have feelings for you, I'm sorry." 

"What?! I'm just like Ladybug! What does she have that I don't?" 

"Nothing! I just-" 

"Ugh! I hate you!" Lila screams. 

"Lila! Wait!"

In the courtyard

Lila runs out of the library and finds herself underneath one of the staircases. "Why Ladybug, not me?!"

"Another poor girl crushed by someone she likes, perfect prey for my little akumas."

"Hello, Volpina. I am Hawkmoth. I'm going to give you the power to show everyone that you are just like Ladybug. In return, you must collect Ladybug and Cat Noir's miraculous."

"You have my word Hawkmoth." 

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