Chapter 23 - Unchanged

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"Adrien!!" Marinette screams as she drops her book and runs to him as fast as her legs will take her. "Adrien! Adrien! Wake up...please..." she says sobbing.

"Adrien!" Gabriel rushes to Adrien beside Marinette who is cradling him in her lap. "What happened here?" 

"Mr. Agreste, Adrien got a quick break and he suddenly collapsed." She takes her hand and gently touches his forehead. "Ah! He's burning up, and his breathing is very heavy."

"Miss Marinette, I will get him home. Please, let's get to the car and meet Nathalie. She will take you home." he replied with a stern tone. Marinette simply nods and makes her way to the car.

At the Dupain-Cheng Bakery

Marinette is escorted out of the car by Nathalie. She thanks her and takes a quick glance back at Adrien who's condition hasn't seemed to change.

With that, the car speeds off towards the Agreste Mansion.

A few hours later...


"Yeah Marinette?" the little kwami replies as they prepare for bed. 

"I'm really worried about Adrien...he didn't look well when I left." 

"Oh Marinette, I'm sure he'll be okay." 

"It just happened so suddenly, out of nowhere. I think I'll go visit him tomorrow."

The Next Morning, at school

The bell rings for class to begin and many of Marinette's classmates wonder where Adrien is. Only Marinette knows what had happened. I'm lonely...I wish Adrien were here right now. 

She plops herself down at her desk and sulks until she notices an all too familiar glint of yellow in the corner of her eye.

"Well, if it isn't the one and only Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I have something to tell you, meet me in the locker room after class or else!" 

Throughout class, Marinette only had her mind on one person...Adrien. She constantly ran possible causes through her head of what might have caused Adrien to become so exhausted and run a fever.

Suddenly, it hit her. She knew it.

After Class, In the locker room

Chloe was already near Marinette's locker waiting for her when she entered. "I'm here Chloe. What did you want to talk about?" "Well, since you're so eager to know. I'm only going to say this once."

Chloe grabs Marinette by the shoulders and pushes her against the lockers behind her, cornering her. 

"Adrien is mine! I will not let you have him. I will do whatever I need to to make that happen. Ha! He probably didn't come to school today because you're here." she said with a smirk on her face.

"You won't get between us Chloe! So stop trying!" 

"Oh yeah! We'll see about that. Because I have more up my sleeve than you could even imagine!" she sneered while shoving Marinette into the locker once more before storming out of the room.

Tikki rushed out of Marinette's purse only to see her holder, sobbing. "I can't do it...I CAN'T DO IT WITHOUT ADRIEN HERE!" 

"Marinette, I'm here if you want to talk, just remember that." 

"Chloe is awful...I-I can't stand her! She's trying to come between us!"

Tikki gives out a sad sigh, "You know that Adrien would never let that happen. I'm sure he cares about you more than you think." 

"I just...want this day to be over. Without him, I feel like I'm not Ladybug. He helps me with Chloe whenever she gets to me, but not this time..." 

"Aww Marinette, please don't cry. I know it's hard but everyone will be worried about you so we should get you to class now." She simply gives a nod.

In the classroom

"Marinette! Where were you girl?" Alya asks the bluenette. 

"I-uh forgot to put something away earlier." Marinette managed to get through the day without any other issues but Chloe was the only person on her mind the second half of the day. What did Chloe mean? More up her sleeve? Now I'm worried.

*Ring Ring* The end of the day bell had startled Marinette out of her daze and she made her way to the front of the school where she normally meets Adrien...but not today. On her way down the steps of the school, Chloe and Marinette exchange glances at each other. 

"Tikki. Let's go see Adrien." 

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