Chapter 15 - About Her

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After continuously searching, Cat Noir is still out of luck. He decides to call it a day and search tomorrow. "I'm sorry Adrien. I don't know where else to look right now." Tikki states. 

"It's okay. Let's head back to my house for now and think it out," he replies. The three spend the evening conversing and discussing possible places Marinette could have gone.

"So, Tikki...about Marinette-" Adrien stammers. "

Adrien, let me say something." she pauses and sighs. "Marinette truly cares about you. She always talks about you and adores having you as a friend. She would never want to see you sad. I feel bad about saying this and it not being from her, but it's important...Marinette doesn't just think of you as a friend. She's nervous around you because she's scared of what you will think of her!" she explains.


"Yes, she's admired you ever since you two met. And not just because of your looks, believe me. She loves you because you are a genuinely nice and caring person, she's always happy whenever you're around."

"If both you and Alya say the same thing about Marinette, then it has to be true. I don't doubt you. But, I'm still to blame." 

"No Adrien, you just never knew. You wanted to know who the love of your life was. I don't blame you." Tikki bursts out. 

"I will find her. I promise."

In the morning

The two kwamis set their plan in motion. Adrien fakes being sick to be out of suspicion for the day. Their plan succeeds and Adrien is able to sneak out without a problem. "Okay, let's go. Plagg! Claws Out!" 

"Let's try this side of town, we didn't search here," Tikki says.

They head over to a dark and eerie street with no one in sight. "It's completely deserted here." Cat Noir whispers. 

"I wonder why, but something told me we should come here," Tikki responds. They check every spot on the street being careful not to miss anything when they are alarmed by an unusual sound.

"Wait...what is that sound?" Cat Noir asks. 

"I don't know, but I hear it too." 

"Let's check it out..." They inch closer and closer to where the sound is coming from and every step they take, the sound becomes clearer and clearer.

"It sounds like a person..." 

"It sounds like their having trouble breathing!" Cat Noir exclaims. They rush over to the sound worried for whoever it may be. They hear faint coughing and Cat Noir's anxiety rises by the second.

They turn the corner, shocked at what they see. "Marinette!" 

"Oh, Marinette!" the little kwami says, tearing up as Cat Noir rushes to her fragile figure. 

"My god! How long has she been here? She's barely breathing! We have to get her out of here." He grabs the little kwami and gives her a lift as he grasps Marinette in his arms gently. He jumps up to a nearby building, holding her tight.

He detransforms and Plagg comes flying out of his ring. "Kid..."

"Marinette! Wake up!" he says shaking her lightly. "Come on...please..." a lonely expression covering his face. A small twitch grabs his attention and he is met with familiar bluebell orbs. 


"Marinette! Thank goodness!" he says and pulls her into an enormous hug.

Their embrace carries on for a long while as the kwamis give each other opposite reactions over their holders and their little moment. 

"I'm so glad you're okay!" Adrien says. 

"I'm sorry...I've put you all through a lot of trouble...especially you, Adrien, I'm sorry."

"No. Don't apologize. It was my fault from the start." 

"But I-" 

"You don't have to say anything," he adds, covering her mouth with his finger. 

"Let's tell everyone that you're okay, and we'll get you all fixed up at my place, okay?"

Marinette takes a second to gather her thoughts and think of all that they've been through together. But, this isn't the time. She finally got to her goal and this journey she has gone on has brought her to this point, with him. She smiles and nods back at him. 


The End.

Of Season 1...

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