Chapter 33 - The Search Begins

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*Please note* Lila is the only one of the three musketeers that knows Adrien is Cat Noir.

With Marinette 

Chloe and Kagami tirelessly chase after Marinette and Kagami's speed power-up isn't helping Marinette as the two give her no opportunity to transform. 

"Tikki, what am I gonna do? They're catching up! I can't transform!" Marinette whispers. 

"Marinette, you can't risk them finding out you're Ladybug, you'll just have to stay like this until we can get away."

Or if I can get away. Oh, where is Adrien when I need him? Shoot, I'm too far away from the school, how is Adrien going to find me fast enough?!

With the girls right on her tail, Marinette makes a break for the movie theater at the corner. Just as she is about to make it to the door, Kagami pops up in front of her, blocking her way. 

"You're not going anywhere."

"Dupain-Cheng! Over here!"

Marinette looks back to see Chloe hovering above her as well. I'm cornered, great. Any shot of transforming is out the window now!

"What do you two want from me?"

"That shouldn't even be a question Dupain-Cheng. Obviously we want Adrien but he cares about you too much so we decided that the best way to get to him is to take you out first."

"You can't make Adrien like you! Try being just a nice and genuine person!"

"What?!" they shriek.

"Now you've gotten on my bad side Maritrash!" Chloe states. "Feel my wrath!"

"Take this, and this, and this!"

Kagami dishes out powerful blows to the air surrounding Marinette, startling her and throwing her back towards the wall. 

Crap! No no no, this can't be how it ends! Adrien, please! Help me!

Chloe makes a swipe at the structure above where Marinette now stands and the building begins to crumble with the ground starting to shake. 

Debris began to fall on top of Marinette and when a piece hit her hand, her bracelet clasp came undone.

My bracelet! No!

The last thing Marinette remembered was seeing her bracelet land on the ground in front of her before everything went black.

"Mission success, let's head back to the school, Lila might have taken care of Adrien already."

With Cat Noir

On his way to save his lady, as a result of defeating Lila, Cat Noir's hand returns to normal. 

Thank goodness, now I'm at full power again. *Beep beep* Well, except for my cataclysm...

Cat Noir detransforms in an alleyway and helps Plagg replenish with some deserved Camembert. 

"Oooh delicious!! I looove Camembert!" Plagg exclaims.

"Plagg! Eat quicker, Marinette is in trouble!" Adrien whisper-yells.

"Okay okay, I know you're worried but-" Plagg's expression changes quickly to that of a terrified one.

"Plagg, hey, what's going on?"

"It's Tikki! Adrien we got to go, RIGHT NOW!" Plagg yells as he downs the rest of his cheese.

"Oh no! That means...Marinette!"

"Plagg, Claws Out!"

Cat Noir tries his best to clear his head and makes way in the direction he saw Marinette running as she exited the school earlier. 

"I don't know where she went! Let's get a better view." he says using his staff to launch atop a building.

After dashing along buildings for a few minutes, he notices two floating figures heading in the direction of the school. The superhero begins his ambush and fights off Chloe and Kagami.

"Where is Marinette? You better tell me!"

"Not unless you take us out, no way you'll do that! Chloe replies.

"Your at a disadvantage here!" Kagami shoots back.

"No, I'm not!" 

Adrien unleashes his full power on the girls and shows them no mercy as he attacks. Chloe is the first to lose her weapon and Cat Noir kicks it aside as he trips her. Kagami puts up a good fight for him but luckily, he quickly ends the fight as he knows her sword-fighting style well. 

Slamming her into Chloe, Adrien grabs the two swords and breaks them before using his Cataclysm once again to destroy the akumas.

Without hesitation, he speeds past the girls in the direction they came from and finds himself in front of a crumbled movie theater. 

"Oh no. Don't tell me she's here!"

Amid his search in the rubble for Marinette, Cat Noir notices something sparkling in the sunlight from the corner of his eye. 

He slowly makes his way over to the object and crouches down for a closer look. When he picks it up, his face quickly washes over with fear.

" her bracelet!" *Beep Beep* "Shoot! I have one minute left!"

After frantically digging through the rubble, he comes across an arm. He quickly digs out the person just before detransforming.

"Marinette..." he says breaking down into tears.

"Kid..." Plagg replies sadly.

Adrien quickly pulls Marinette closer to him and whips out his phone. 

"Hello. This is 911. What is your emergency?"

"This is Adrien Agreste, I'm at the Movie Theater west from Francois-Dupont High School. I need an ambulance! Please hurry!"

"Please stay calm sir. It's already on it's way."

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