Chapter 36 - Determination

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In the Courtyard, Fencing Practice

Kagami arrives back in her spot, now calm and cool and meets Adrien's gaze. 

"Hey, you okay Kagami? You're never this bad."

"Yeah, I just wanted to say something. I feel really bad about what happened the other day with you and Marinette and I want to be friends. If you're going to visit her this afternoon after practice, would it be okay if I came with you? I want to personally apologize to her."

"Of course Kagami. Don't worry, I forgive you and I'm sure Marinette will too. Let's go over together."

She silently nods and gives him a small smile before picking up her sword.

"Let's do this, shall we?"

After Fencing Practice, On the Way to Marinette's...

Before crossing the street to Marinette's house, Adrien notices a flower cart near the crosswalk. 

"Hey Kagami, wait just a second. There's something I have to get."

"Oh, okay."

Adrien picks out a small bouquet of pink and red roses for Marinette before heading across the street with Kagami towards the bakery. Inside, the duo meet Tom and Sabine, say their hellos and walk up to Marinette's room where they find her fast asleep on her bed.

Adrien gestures to Kagami to keep it quiet and she goes to sit on Marinette's chaise. Adrien heads over to Marinette and sets the flowers down on her dresser. He grabs a washcloth from Marinette's sink and runs some warm water.

He places it on Marinette's forehead and starts to wrap a new bandage around her head. Mid-wrapping, Marinette begins to stir and looks up towards Adrien.

"H-Hey, I missed you."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. I missed you too Marinette, how are you feeling?"

"It's okay, I've been asleep for a while now, I should probably try and walk around a bit. I'm feeling a little bit better but overall still super sore."

"Well, I'll be here to help if you need anything. Oh, and someone is here to see you." he gestures towards Kagami.

"Oh, hi Kagami..."

"Hi Marinette, I'm glad to see you're okay. I'm really sorry about what happened and I feel awful. I hope that you can forgive me and trust me, I won't ever be hanging out with Chloe and Lila again. I was sort of hoping we could be friends..."

"Of course I forgive you Kagami and I would be happy to be friends with you."

"Wow, really? Thanks Marinette. Well, I hope you can come back to school soon. See you guys." Kagami says closing the trapdoor as she exits down the stairs.

"Well Adrien. That was nice of her."

"Yeah. By the way Marinette, there is something of yours I have."

"Here." he says, handing her a familiar bracelet.

"You found it! I've been looking for this everywhere. I thought I had lost it for good. I'm sorry."

"There's nothing to apologize for, you didn't lose it on purpose. I even brought you these flowers. Do you like them?"

"Wow, they're gorgeous. You're the best Adrien!" she replies pulling him in for a huge hug.

"I'm glad. Now, there's something we need to discuss. It's about Hawkmoth." Adrien starts with a serious tone. "What are we going to do in terms of finding out his plan and his identity?"

Marinette ponders his question, "Maybe we should ask previously akumatized victims about it, if they recall anything in particular whilst being akumatized."

"That sounds like a good plan. When should we start?"

"I say, we should start now."

"What? Now? But you aren't fully recovered, you can't go out now. I won't let you."

"I've been in bed for the past few days Adrien, I want to go. Besides, I feel okay right now."

He lets out a sigh and transforms. Marinette joins him and they set out. 

They meet many of Hawkmoth's former victims and begin to thoroughly question them, but to no avail. None of the victims recall any clues to Hawkmoth's plans or even his identity. At the end of their search, Ladybug quickly gestures towards a nearby rooftop bench and sits herself down, panting.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"N-nothing...I'm just..."

Cat Noir notices her breathing and her clutching her leg. "It's probably best to get you home. You're clearly in pain."

"No, I don't want to! I've been there all-"

"Enough!" he shouts, this startles her. "Please, just listen to me. I'm trying to look out for you but you keep fighting with me."

She lowers her head in embarrassment. "Sorry."

Near the Bakery, on the rooftop of a nearby building...

"Alright Volpina, any updates?" Hawkmoth inquires.

"Ladybug and Cat Noir are nearing the Dupain-Cheng Bakery just as I had thought." Volpina follows them with her eyes and sees them quickly disappear behind the cell tower. They are immediately replaced with Marinette and Adrien.

"Hawkmoth, you won't believe this! Marinette is Ladybug!"

"What?! All this time it was her?" Hawkmoth quickly ponders this and comes to a conclusion. "Alright, it's time to put my plan into action..."

"Whatever you say, sir."

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