Chapter Four

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Niall's POV

I walked into Di's room and was sort of scared. I don't want her to start crying. I saw her jump on her bed and push her face in the pillow. I walked over and lightly put my hand on her back. I said in my softest voice, "Are you alright Di?"

"That was the most embarrassing thing in my life. I forgot I took it off there last night while I was watching T.V. I was going to take a shower as soon as my show was over. That was so humiliating for all of you to pass it on like that. Once Harry held it up like that I blew."

I know she's crying now. I don't know how to deal with this! I told her, "I'm sorry I did that. It was just an instinctive reaction. I wasn't even thinking and with Harry, he's just like that ALL the time! He's the biggest flirt out of all of us."

She looked up at me with her red face and I felt like I should give her a hug. I wasn't expecting this but, she did give me a hug then asked if I would like to lay on the floor by her bed. I looked at her weird and she said, "I'm sorry. I'm just not that kind of girl that would lay in a bed with a boy unless we were married."

I looked at her and nodded and laid down. She started to talk to me about how her and Carters relationship started.

"CT and I were best friends since we were little. We went to kindergarten together and all through middle and high school. Our friendship wasn't like other friendships. We were more like sisters rather then friends!..." As I let her tell her story I just nodded to let her know I was listening. "There used to be three of us in high school. Her name was Cameron. CT and her sort of had a falling out through Senior year. See, CT was dating this guy named Luke. They had been dating since Sophomore year. They were great together. CT, Cameron, and I were the best of friends, too. Cameron had a HUGE crush on Luke throughout middle school, but she gave up on him Freshman year..."

I heard her yawn as I did the same. She continued, "The beginning of Sophomore year, Luke and CT started hanging out more and more...practically ever day! Then Luke finally asked her on a real date. A few months past and they got closer then ever." She yawned again and I followed right after her.

"And then Sophomore year ended. That summer they started to get into fights, you know like regular relationships. He wouldn't pay attention to her and she spent most her time with me because he was to busy for her. When Senior year began they were still together. Us girls were always making surprise visits to each others houses. One day me and CT decided to go over to Cameron's house. We walked always...and walked up to her room. We opened the door and found her on the bed with Luke making-out.

They looked up as CT went running out. Luke tried going after, but I stopped him by saying, "Haven't you done enough damage?" He looked at me and walked back to Cameron. I told Cameron, "So much for Besties Forever, huh? Just stay. Don't either of you ever talk to us again." I left it at that and went to find CT. She was sitting at the corner of the street, bawling. I walked over to her and sat down next to her. "It was a sleazy move." I told her. "He was treating you like crap and Cameron was getting distant anyways."

"Yea. I know. I just wish it wasn't with her." She turned to me and buried her face in my shoulder. I calmed her down and walked back to our car..."

I heard the gentle movement of her chest as she fell asleep. I was about to get up when I felt as if I couldn't move. Within minutes, I was asleep.

Carter's POV

"Well lads, I think its time to go." Zayn told they rest of the guys as he stood up.

He looked in Di's room and saw both of them sleeping. He came back out and had a weird look on his face. "Niall's asleep...on the floor! Is it okay if he stays here tonight?"

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