Chapter Eighteen

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Codi's POV

I woke up hurting like hell. I hit my nurse's button a lot before I was actually answered. "Yes, how can I help you?"

"I am so sore. I can barely move and I want to cry." I was the first one out of bed... surprisingly.

"I'll bring you some pain medication. Just wait a moment, please."

"Thank you." I managed to give her a weak smile.

"Of course, love." I looked around the room. Each of the couple were sprawled across the floor in their own given corner. The nurse came back with some meds and Carter and Harry followed in shortly.

"Carter!" I screeched quietly.

"Codi!" She mimicked.

"I have news!" We both said at the same time. "You first." Again. "I'll go first." Again... "Same time!" Again...

"On three." I said. "One..." I started.

"Two.." Carter.

"Three." I finished.

"I'm engaged!" We stared at each other and giggled. We each stuck out our left hands and looked at the rings.

"We've finally found them, Codi. We're only eighteen, but we've found the loves of our lives." CT told me.

"I know, Carter. We're lucky."

"You bet you are." Niall kissed my cheek.

"Niall!" I giggle. "Ow!" I moan as I put my arm on my ribs. I forgot I broke a few.

"Are you okay?" Carter asked me worried.

"I'm fine. The pain meds haven't started working, yet." Louis let out a loud snore. "Can someone wake up the lovebirds on the floor? I'm hungry." I whine.

"Course." Carter and Harry wake up our friends. Over the night, I gained back all my memories. Zayn was the only one not awake. I threw a pitcher of water at his head and he woke up.


"I'm hungry. I could've let you starve, Malik." I frowned, but smiled almost immediately.

"What are you smiling about?" Dani asked me.

"I won't be able to stop, that's for sure." Carter smiled.

"Me, either." Niall and Harry looked at one another.

"Us, either." Carter and I hold up our left hands and everyone is happy. We get congratulated and we are all talking about wedding plans. Eventually Luke and Ella walked in.

"Hey guys!" Ella greeted us with a big smile plastured on her face.

"Hey El! How are you today?" Niall asked.

"Fine and dandy. How are you?"

"Great!" Niall gave her a sweet smile.

"What are you guys and gals doing today?" Ella wheeled over to the group.

"I don't really know. But do you want to see something cool?" I asked her with a big grin on my face.

"Yes!" She was excited already. I lifted my hand and showed her the beautiful ring Niall gave me on my left ring finger.

"OMG! Your getting married! When?!"

"I don't know yet, sweetie. But when we come up with the date you'll be the first to know!" I hugged her and she embraced me back with utter joy.

"Hey, Ella!" Carter yelled/whispered.


"Look!" Carter let her hand dangle in front of Ella's face. More smiling.

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